Keys to Success

ReConnect Program Considerations
Success is creating an eligible project that proposes to serve as many rural customers as possible and submitting a complete application to USDA by the application deadline. Follow the rules that are detailed in the ReConnect Regulation and in the latest Notice of Funding Opportunity.
Not sure where to start? These steps are a guide:
Determine Eligibility
Review the eligibility information for the Reconnect Program to determine your project's geographic eligibility.
Use the Service Area Map
Find the area you're proposing to serve using the latest ReConnect Program Service Area Map.
Choose a Funding Category
Decide which of the funding categories to apply for. The amount and types of funds available can be found in the latest FOA.
Begin Designing Your Project
Outline technical specifications and engineering plans and draft business plans with financial analysis and market studies for viability of broadband service.
Contact USDA
Reach out to USDA or your General Field Representative for any assistance you may need or questions you may have about the ReConnect Program or the application process.
Create Your Application
Thoroughly review the application eligibility factors outlined in the latest FOA to ensure all requirements are met to be eligible for an award. Application materials and resources, including the ReConnect Program Application Guide, can be found on the Forms and Resources page.