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Project Coordination

The ReConnect Program is one of several federal broadband programs that make up the $65 billion Internet for All Initiative. Coordination at the federal, state, and local level is critical to ensure everyone in America is provided affordable, reliable, high-speed internet.

One of the essential goals of the ReConnect Program is to expand broadband service to rural areas that do not have sufficient access to broadband and to ensure that funded projects are complementary to other broadband efforts.

Entities interested in the ReConnect Program are strongly encouraged to coordinate with the following stakeholders prior to the submission of a ReConnect application:

USDA Telecom Program General Field Representatives (GFRs)

The Telecom Program maintains a staff of GFRs stationed around the country. GFRs are an integral part of our outreach delivery system. GFRs meet regularly with Telecom Program stakeholders and serve as the local information conduit for stakeholders and headquarters staff. GFRs keep stakeholders current on broadband issues that profoundly impact their business.

State Broadband Offices and the State Broadband Leaders Network (SBLN)

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law established the $42.5 billion Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program. BEAD funds are administered directly by States and U.S. Territories. It is strongly recommended that ReConnect applicants coordinate with their respective State Broadband Office(s) before submitting a ReConnect application to ensure the proposed ReConnect project aligns with the State or Territory BEAD plan. State contact information can be found on the NTIA Broadband USA webpage.

National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)

NTIA administers several federal broadband programs under the Internal for All Initiative. NTIA Federal Program Officers (FPOs) serve as liaisons that provide support and technical assistance to NTIA program stakeholders. NTIA FPO contact information can be found on the Internet for All Funding by State/Territory webpage. Users should select a State or Territory in the dropdown menu to view relevant contact information.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

The FCC Universal Service Fund implements the principle that all Americans should have access to communications services. The High-Cost program funds the deployment of voice and broadband service to consumers in high-cost areas. In addition, the FCC has programs that subsidize voice and broadband services for low-income consumers, rural health care providers, and schools and libraries. For more information about the FCC’s Universal Service Fund programs, visit the FCC Telecommunications Access Policy Division website.

Additionally, the FCC National Broadband Map provides information about the internet services available to individual locations across the country, along with maps of mobile coverage, as reported by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the FCC’s ongoing Broadband Data Collection. Consumers, state, local and Tribal government entities, and other stakeholders can help verify the accuracy of the data shown on the map by filing challenges. An accurate map helps identify the unserved and underserved communities most in need of funding for high-speed internet infrastructure investments.

The FCC also publishes the Broadband Funding Map, which displays information on broadband infrastructure deployment projects throughout the United States funded by the Federal government. The Broadband Funding Map provides an overview of such projects, incorporating funding data submitted by Federal agencies. The funding data is overlaid on the broadband availability data depicted on the National Broadband Map. Each Federal agency compiles project data for its own funding programs and reports the data for inclusion on the Broadband Funding Map. An accurate map helps identify those locations or areas of the country where federal broadband infrastructure funding has not been allocated so that other Federal agencies, state governments, or other interested agencies can more precisely target efforts to fund and invest in broadband infrastructure deployment to ensure that no communities are left behind.

Department of Treasury

The Department of Treasury administers the Capital Projects Fund and the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, both of which fund broadband deployment programs managed by states and territories. Prospective applicants can learn more about current and State broadband investments funded by Treasury by contacting their State Broadband Office or


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