eFG Training Sessions Content

eFG Training Sessions Content
These documents provide guidance on completing various grants-related procedures in the ezFedGrants External Portal.
Training Materials
ezFedGrants covers the entire grants lifecycle – from pre-award (searching for and applying to opportunities) to the post-award (i.e. submitting claims, submitting progress reports, and Closeouts) phases.
The following materials are provided as a reference for the content covered during the ezFedGrants Training sessions for external recipient users. The training schedule is available to view online.
Training Materials: 301 ezFedGrants Claims and Reports (PDF, 3.1 MB)
Training Materials: 302 ezFedGrants Application Management (PDF, 3.2 MB)
Training Materials: 305 ezFedGrants External User Roles and Assignments (PDF, 5.2 MB)
Training Materials: 306 ezFedGrants Overview and Basic Navigation (PDF, 1.5 MB)
Training Materials: FAQ for Recipients (PDF, 2.4 MB)