Office of the Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer (OCDIO)
The Office of the Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer (OCDIO) at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is dedicated to advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) across the Department's multifaceted landscape. Tasked with overseeing the implementation of USDA's inaugural DEIA Strategic Plan, the OCDIO, under the leadership of the Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, serves as the driving force behind cultivating an environment of belonging and support within the USDA. Through interagency collaboration, the OCDIO champions DEIA advancement across the Department, nurturing a high-performing and innovative workforce that is reflective of the diverse fabric of the nation.
DEIA Mission
Intentionally build and advance a culture of belonging that empowers a diverse mix of people across USDA to fulfill the USDA mission.
DEIA Vision
To become a model employer and service provider that nurtures and sustains a workplace where DEIA is foundational and guides informed decision-marking in all programs and career opportunities.
Updates & Insights
- Breaking barriers, honoring diversity and advancing inclusion: USDA Partners with University of North Carolina at Pembroke to Expand Opportunities for Tribal Students | USDA
- Unlocking a Workforce Superpower: L'Tonya Davis Reveals How Innovation Through Inclusion Drives Success at VBA Symposium | USDA
USDA Core Values
Core values serve as guiding principles, defining appropriate behaviors, expectations for all employees, and directing decision making throughout all levels of the organization. These USDA core values are foundational to the success of the Department and the DEIA Strategic Plan, given they lay a solid foundation for the culture of USDA and how we will honor our DEIA goals and associated actions. As USDA moves forward with this DEIA Strategic Plan, it is incumbent upon every member of the USDA community to uphold the USDA core values.
- Respect and Dignity: We treat all people with courtesy and respect, and we value the inherent dignity of every individual.
- Equity and Inclusion: We seek to end discrimination in all forms, wherever it exists, and expand services and opportunities to underserved people and communities across America, starting with our workforce.
- Trust and Integrity: We act in a manner that is deserving of the public’s trust and with the utmost integrity in everything we do as public servants.
- Service and Results: We listen to our internal and external customers and actively incorporate their ideas on how to best reach our diverse customers and deliver service that significantly and positively impacts the lives of all Americans and customers around the globe.
- Science Leadership: We base our decisions and policy on science and data that are reliable, timely, relevant, and free from political interference.
Building a More Diverse USDA
Leading with Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access Front and Center: USDA’s commitment to diversity and equity includes both committed leadership and strong policy. USDA has issued a robust diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) strategic plan and has hired a Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer (CDIO) and other staff to implement it. The CDIO leads USDAʼs work to build an organization that reflects the diversity of the communities USDA serves, bringing the best talent to USDA, retaining and investing in our workforce, and creating a culture where everyone feels welcomed.
At the core of USDAʼs Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Strategic Plan are six focus areas for the next five years:
- Build a culture that drives trust, belonging, transparency, accountability, and employee empathy.
- Achieve a workforce representative of Americans that inspires development of innovative ideas and best practices.
- Foster a workplace environment that is physically, mentally, and emotionally safe.
- Establish leadership and governance structures to support long-term and sustainable DEIA efforts.
- Promote empowerment, responsibility, and accountability for DEIA through developing the workforce.
- Demonstrate a commitment to a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible USDA through accountability, data collection, analysis, and effective policymaking.
For more information, please view the USDA DEIA Strategic Plan (PDF, 1.2 MB).