Forms and Resources

This page provides useful resources that ReConnect applicants can use to gain a better understanding of the program requirements. The page will be updated regularly to include educational materials, relevant forms and documents, and other learning opportunities.
- Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA): The Build America, Buy America Act, enacted as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act on November 15, 2021, focuses on maximizing the federal government’s use of services, goods, products, and materials produced and offered in the United States. BABAA requires that all iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used by non-Federal entities in federally funded projects for infrastructure must be produced in the United States.
- Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO): The NOFO, published on February 21, 2024, outlines the rules and eligibility requires for the fifth round of ReConnect program funding.
- ReConnect Program Fact Sheet (PDF, 651 KB): This document provides information about key aspects of the ReConnect Program including who may apply, what is an eligible area, how funding may be used, where to find technical assistance, and more. The ReConnect Program Fact Sheet is also available in Español (PDF, 640KB).
- ReConnect Program Tribal Fact Sheet (PDF, 469 KB): This document provides information about key aspects of the ReConnect Program and includes key considerations for Tribal applicants.
- ReConnect Regulation: On February 26, 2021, RUS published the ReConnect Regulation in the Federal Register and on The ReConnect Program Regulation codifies policies and procedures for the ReConnect Program, and sets forth the general policies, eligibility requirements, types and terms of loans, grants, and loan/grant combinations and program requirements.
- User Aid: USDA, in partnership with, upgraded its processes for user verification and access to customer-facing USDA systems including those developed and maintained by the RUS Telecommunications Program. This document describes the process for gaining access to RUS Telecom systems. For more information regarding please visit
- General Field Representatives (GFRs): The Telecom Program staff includes GFRs stationed around the country. GFRs are an integral part of our outreach delivery and technical assistance system. GFRs meet regularly with interested applicants and borrowers, serve as a local information conduit and keep stakeholders current on issues that profoundly impact their business.
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): The following FAQ documents will be updated regularly to include answers to questions submitted by interested ReConnect Program applicants during webinars, regional workshops, and via the Contact Us Form on the ReConnect website:
- Frequently Asked Questions – ReConnect Program (PDF, 381 KB)
- Application General FAQ Document – ReConnect Program (PDF, 285 KB)
- Eligibility FAQ Document – ReConnect Program (PDF, 249 KB)
- Evaluation Criteria and Scoring FAQ Document – ReConnect Program (PDF, 279 KB)
- Certifications FAQ Document – ReConnect Program (PDF, 133 KB)
- Required Documents FAQ – ReConnect Program (PDF, 230 KB)
Round 5 NOFO Webinar Recording
Video: ReConnect Program: Preparing for Round 5
Related Materials: ReConnect Round 5 NOFO
Round 5 Application and Award Forms
This section provides a list of the application forms and legal documents that ReConnect applicants and awardees may need as part of the application or award process. Not every form is relevant to each funding category. These documents are initial versions and may be modified at a later date. Click on the name of each form to view more details, or to download a copy.
ARR Resolution Instructions and Samples (PDF , 250 KB) |
ReConnect Construction Procedures (PDF, 250 KB) |
Network Design Certification (PDF, 115 KB) |
Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit (DOC, 40 KB) |
- Round 4 ReConnect Forms and Resources
Key Resources
- Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA): The Build America, Buy America Act, enacted as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act on November 15, 2021, focuses on maximizing the federal government’s use of services, goods, products, and materials produced and offered in the United States. BABAA requires that all iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used by non-Federal entities in federally funded projects for infrastructure must be produced in the United States.
- Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA): The FOA, published on August 4, 2022, outlines the rules and eligibility requires for the fourth round of ReConnect program funding.
- ReConnect Program Fact Sheet (PDF, 599KB): This document provides information about key aspects of the ReConnect Program including who may apply, what is an eligible area, how funding may be used, where to find technical assistance, and more. The ReConnect Program Fact Sheet is also available in Español (PDF, 1.6 MB).
- ReConnect Program Tribal Fact Sheet (PDF, 460KB): This document provides information about key aspects of the ReConnect Program and includes key considerations for Tribal applicants.
- ReConnect Regulation: On February 26, 2021, RUS published the ReConnect Regulation in the Federal Register and on The ReConnect Program Regulation codifies policies and procedures for the ReConnect Program, and sets forth the general policies, eligibility requirements, types and terms of loans, grants, and loan/grant combinations and program requirements.
- General Field Representatives (GFRs): The Telecom Program staff includes GFRs stationed around the country. GFRs are an integral part of our outreach delivery and technical assistance system. GFRs meet regularly with interested applicants and borrowers, serve as a local information conduit and keep stakeholders current on issues that profoundly impact their business.
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): The following FAQ documents will be updated regularly to include answers to questions submitted by interested ReConnect Program applicants during webinars, regional workshops, and via the Contact Us Form on the ReConnect website:
- Frequently Asked Questions – ReConnect Program
- Application General FAQ Document – ReConnect Program (PDF, 305 KB)
- Eligibility FAQ Document – ReConnect Program (PDF, 251 KB)
- Evaluation Criteria and Scoring FAQ Document – ReConnect Program (PDF, 467 KB)
- Certifications FAQ Document – ReConnect Program (PDF, 174 KB)
- Required Documents FAQ – ReConnect Program (PDF, 134 KB)
FOA Webinar Recording
On Thursday, August 11, 2022, RUS staff hosted a live webinar to provide an overview of the ReConnect Program FOA announced on August 4, 2022.
Application and Award Forms
This section provides a list of the application forms and legal documents that ReConnect applicants and awardees may need as part of the application or award process. Not every form is relevant to each funding category. These documents are initial versions and may be modified at a later date. Click on the name of each form to view more details, or to download a copy.
ReConnect Round 4 Application Guide (PDF, 22 MB)
ARR Resolution Instructions and Samples (PDF, 250 KB)
Depreciation Rates (PDF, 170 KB)
Environmental Questionnaire - NHPA Section 106 (PDF, 222 KB)
Environmental Questionnaire – Project (PDF, 546 KB)
Environmental Questionnaire – Site and Route (PDF, 365 KB)
Environmental Construction Map Resource Layers (Web Map Services) (PDF, 147 KB)
Legal Opinion (DOCX, 21.6 KB)
Network and Financial Workbook (ZIP, 367 KB)
Network Design Certification (PDF, 115 KB)
Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit (DOC, 40 KB)
Additional Resources
Rural Development Reporting and Compliance User Guide (PDF, 6.3 MB): The purpose of this guide is to provide instructions for using the Reporting & Compliance (R&C) system. The R&C system streamlines the reporting process for entities receiving financial assistance from the RUS. Rural Development Public Notice Filings Portal User Guide (PDF, 4.1 MB): The Public Notice Filings (PNF) Guide describes how to use the ReConnect Program PNF tool and submit a Public Notice Response (PNR).
- Round 3 ReConnect Forms and Resources
Round 3 ReConnect Key Resources
- Deadline Extension (Federal Register Notice): The Rural Utilities Service (RUS) has extended the deadline for submission of applications for ReConnect funding under the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) published on October 25, 2021, to Wednesday, March 9, 2022, at 11:59 a.m. Eastern. This extension of time provides interested parties with an additional 15 days to submit an application for ReConnect funding. Applications will not be accepted after March 9, 2022, 11:59 a.m. Eastern, until a new application opportunity has been opened with the publication of an additional FOA in the Federal Register.
- Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA): The FOA, published on October 25, 2021, outlines the rules and eligibility requires for the third round of ReConnect program funding.
- ReConnect Program Fact Sheet (PDF, 599KB): This document provides information about key aspects of the ReConnect Program including who may apply, what is an eligible area, how funding may be used, where to find technical assistance, and more. The ReConnect Program Fact Sheet is also available in Español (PDF, 1.6 MB).
- ReConnect Regulation: On February 26, 2021, RUS published the ReConnect Regulation in the Federal Register and on The ReConnect Program Regulation codifies policies and procedures for the ReConnect Program, and sets forth the general policies, eligibility requirements, types and terms of loans, grants, and loan/grant combinations and program requirements.
- General Field Representatives (GFRs): The Telecom Program staff includes GFRs stationed around the country. GFRs are an integral part of our outreach delivery and technical assistance system. GFRs meet regularly with interested applicants and borrowers, serve as a local information conduit and keep stakeholders current on issues that profoundly impact their business.
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): The following FAQ documents include answers to questions submitted by interested Round 3 ReConnect Program applications during webinars, regional workshops, and via the Contact Us Form on the ReConnect website:
- Frequently Asked Questions – ReConnect Program (PDF, 371 KB)
- Application General FAQ Document – ReConnect Program (PDF, 330 KB)
- Eligibility FAQ Document – ReConnect Program (PDF, 234 KB)
- Evaluation Criteria and Scoring FAQ Document – ReConnect Program (PDF, 398 KB)
- Certifications FAQ Document – ReConnect Program (PDF, 182 KB)
- Required Documents FAQ – ReConnect Program (PDF, 163 KB)
Round 3 ReConnect FOA Webinar Recording
On November 18, 2021, RUS staff hosted a live webinar to provide an overview of the ReConnect Program FOA announced on October 25, 2021.
ReConnect FOA Webinar Slide Deck (PDF, 2.4 MB)
Round 3 ReConnect Application and Award Forms
This section provides a list of the application forms and legal documents that ReConnect applicants and awardees may need as part of the application or award process. Not every form is relevant to each funding category. These documents are initial versions and may be modified at a later date. Click on the name of each form to view more details, or to download a copy.
Application Guide (PDF, 22 MB)
ARR Resolution Instructions and Samples (PDF, 250 KB)
Depreciation Rates (PDF, 170 KB)
Environmental Questionnaire - NHPA Section 106 (PDF, 222 KB)
Environmental Questionnaire – Project (PDF, 546 KB)
Environmental Questionnaire – Site and Route (PDF, 365 KB)
Environmental Construction Map Resource Layers (Web Map Services) (PDF, 147 KB)
Legal Opinion (DOCX, 21.6 KB)
Network Design Certification (PDF, 115 KB)
Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit (DOC, 40 KB)
ReConnect Program Construction Procedures (PDF, 693 KB)
ReConnect Program Legal Agreements (ZIP, 612 KB)
Additional Resources
- Rural Development Reporting and Compliance User Guide (PDF, 6.3 MB): The purpose of this guide is to provide instructions for using the Reporting & Compliance (R&C) system. The R&C system streamlines the reporting process for entities receiving financial assistance from the RUS.
- Rural Development Public Notice Filings Portal User Guide (PDF, 4.1 MB): The Public Notice Filings (PNF) Guide describes how to use the ReConnect Program PNF tool and submit a Public Notice Response (PNR).