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usda science

Eat Healthy and Stay Active in the New Year

Happy New Year! What are your health goals for 2022? Whether you want to accomplish a fitness goal or focus on healthy eating, nutrition and exercise are key to meeting your goals. Discover tips to help you make healthy choices that fit with your lifestyle, personal needs and preferences.

Wish You Were Here: Celebrating Hawaii’s Unique Agriculture This Winter

I don’t know about you, but when the temperature drops, I find myself thinking of warmer climates. One location that experiences tropical weather year-round is Hawaii. But Hawaii’s warm temperatures aren’t the only thing that will have you dreaming of the Aloha State. The island’s agriculture comes straight from a wish-you-were-here postcard.

Five Healthy Recipes for the Holiday Season

The holidays are a time to celebrate with family and friends. Often, those celebrations involve sharing a meal together. With Thanksgiving and the winter holidays here, it is a great time to start looking for recipe ideas! These five, healthy holiday recipes from combine vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and other nutritious ingredients in one delicious dish:

H2O in Space: Waste Not, Want Not

Water is critical in space. This is especially true for NASA’s planned long-term space missions, replete with on-board farming. At roughly 8.34 pounds per gallon, getting enough H2O aboard ship to irrigate crops and sustain astronauts is expensive, as every pound carried to space requires additional fuel, which incurs additional costs.

NIFA Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) celebrates the achievements and contributions of the Hispanic community who are helping advance scientific innovation and creating the next generation of leaders in support of our Nation’s food and agricultural system.