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Food And Nutrition

SNAP-Ed Connects Culture, Land, and Food

For many communities, the SNAP-Education program provides much more than basic nutrition guidance. In Kāneʻohe (in Honolulu), Hawaii, the SNAP-Ed funded Luluku Farms’ Aloha ʻĀina Agri-Cultural Restoration project uses the ʻĀina (land) to preserve traditional crops so the community can achieve self-sustainability, while providing keiki (kids) opportunities to learn about their cultural and traditional practices — as well as nutrition education. The notion of fertile land that Aloha ʻĀina symbolizes promotes community engagement, bolsters cultural preservation, and improves nutrition security by increasing community access to culturally appropriate foods.

Healthier Foods, Healthier Minds

Setting kids up for success. It’s what every parent, guardian, and educator wants for our nation’s schoolchildren. They understand the power that small changes have to make a big difference in the learning environment. That’s why here at USDA, we recently announced a generational investment in our children’s futures through updated school nutrition standards.

National Women’s History Month: Celebrating FNS’ Unsung Heroines

Food and Nutrition Service employees dedicate their professional lives to ensuring everyone in America has access to delicious, nutritious food and science-based nutrition education. As we conclude Women’s History Month, we celebrate women working to keep our 16 nutrition assistance programs running smoothly for those who need them most.

National Agriculture Day: How USDA is Growing a Climate for Tomorrow by Transforming our Food System Today

Almost two years ago, reflecting on lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic and in light of ongoing supply chain challenges from global conflict and a changing climate, Secretary Vilsack announced a new framework at USDA for shoring up the food supply chain and transforming the food system to be fairer, more competitive, more resilient. We’ve since called this our Food System Transformation – and as we celebrate National Agriculture Day and this year’s theme “Agriculture: Growing a Climate for Tomorrow,” I’m thrilled to share some updates on our work.

Two-Year Anniversary of Customer Experience Executive Order: Pt. 6 Delivering for Small Towns

Rural communities are the backbone of American life, providing fuel, food and fiber. As a partner, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) understands how critical rural America is to providing the everyday essentials our country depends on. As a result, we invest accordingly.

Celebrating Black History Month by Advancing Nutrition Security and Health Equity

Every February, the United States honors and celebrates the rich, cultural heritage of African Americans, including their triumphs and adversities that are integral to our nation’s history and success. To pay tribute to those who came before me and cultivate a better future for my three daughters, I share some of my journey to advance nutrition security and health equity through public service and highlight ways I hope each of you can join me in these efforts.

Two-Year Anniversary of Customer Experience Executive Order: Pt. 5 Improving Access to Food and Nutrition

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is committed to connecting all Americans with healthy, safe, affordable food sources. Towards fulfilling that commitment, USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has launched multiple customer experience (CX) initiatives since President Joe Biden issued in December 2021 the Executive Order directing federal agencies to improve the experience for customers accessing government services and benefits.