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An Environment of Safety and Risk Management

The recapture of the two fugitives on a National Forest last month made headlines across the nation. An alert Forest Service employee became integral to the recapture and the successful end to this situation. In a matter of just a few moments, this employee made several key decisions and took specific actions that prevented a potentially violent outcome.

USDA Rural Development Business and Cooperative Programs Administrator Judy Canales Tours Ocean Classroom Foundation as a part of her Visit to Maine

As a part of her recent trip to Maine, USDA Rural Development Administrator for Business and Cooperative Programs Judy Canales visited the Ocean Classroom Foundation, in Boothbay Harbor. This unique non-profit organization teaches its students, mostly young adults, life skills through learning how to sail and navigate the open sea.

USDA Rural Development Travels the Roads of Louisiana to Connect with Community Officials and Residents

As part of USDA’s commitment to outreach, Louisiana Rural Development State Director Clarence Hawkins and staff went “on the road” with the Louisiana Municipal Association in June and July to continue reaching out to municipal officials across the state. These meetings were hosted by LMA’s district vice presidents in Louisiana.

On The Right Track At The Nevada State Fair

Cross posted from the White House Blog.

Ed. Note: Building on the President’s commitment to address issues important to rural Americans, Administration officials are visiting State Fairs around the country, see a map of where we've been so far.

When you grow up in rural America, as I did, there is nothing more exciting than the state or county fair.  Showing livestock, competing in baking and quilting contests, eyeing the latest farm equipment, and dipping the season’s first apples in caramel are perennial favorites among America’s rural youth.  So when I visited the Nevada State Fair last week, I made a quick beeline to the 4H and FFA exhibits to see if things were the same as ‘when I was a kid.’

Teaming Up in the Challenge to Bring Healthier Meals to Schools

Ending childhood obesity within a generation is the central goal of the First Lady’s Let’s Move! initiative. We know achieving this goal requires all of us to work together - parents, teachers, schools, chefs, community leaders, Federal, State and local elected officials and our children - there’s a role for each of us to play.

Administrator Canales Tours Kentucky Manufacturer that is a Shining Example of Recovery Act Success

While touring the facilities of McKechnie Vehicle Components in Kentucky last month, USDA Rural Business and Cooperative Programs Administrator Judy Canales got up close and personal with many of the company’s employees whose jobs were saved thanks to assistance from Rural Development and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.