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Deputy Secretary Merrigan Sowed Seeds for Community-Based Agriculture in Baltimore

I’m thrilled that I could join Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan last week when we announced the recipients of the People’s Garden Grant Program in Baltimore, Maryland.  The backdrop for the $60,000 grant announcement to Towson University was set at the Eat Healthy Live Healthy Urban Garden in the Cherry Hill neighborhood. Cherry Hill is an approximately one square mile, geographically isolated, food desert neighborhood. These residents are impoverished and experience some of the highest rates of chronic disease in Baltimore city.

Poultry Classifications Get a 21st Century Upgrade

When cooking poultry, chefs know choosing the right bird will affect the outcome of a final dish. That’s why most recipes call for a fryer, roaster, or other class—terms based on the age and sex of the bird and printed on poultry labels.  While breeding and raising practices have improved over the years, the definitions for these terms have remained roughly the same since the 1970’s.

Disfrute los Días Festivos: Prepare Comidas Inocuas y Saludables

Serie especial para los días festivos- 2do blog de 5

¡Ya comenzó el conteo regresivo para el día del pavo! Para facilitarles a todos ustedes que estarán bien ocupados cocinando en este día, la Dra. Hagen del Servicio de Inocuidad e Inspección de Alimentos del USDA y yo les proveemos recetas para comidas festivas, de bajo costo, con consejos sencillos para manejar los alimentos adecuadamente que les ayudará a preparar una comida saludable e inocua durante los días festivos. Ayer publicamos la receta para el pavo con sugerencias de gran ayuda para prepararlo adecuadamente. Aquí hay una receta deliciosa para el relleno. Asegúrese de  ver nuestro próximo blog, que se publicará mañana, el cual contiene otra receta, también de bajo costo, para preparar un plato de manzanas y camotes (batatas). ¡Disfrútenlas!

Enjoy the Holidays: Preparing Healthy and Safe Meals!

Special holiday series – Blog 2 of 5

The countdown to turkey day is underway! To help soon-to-be busy cooks prepare healthy and safe holiday meals, USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety Dr. Elisabeth Hagen and I are providing low-cost holiday recipes with simple food safety tips. Yesterday we posted a turkey recipe with helpful suggestions on handling raw poultry. Below is a delicious recipe for stuffing.  Make sure you check out our next blog tomorrow which will feature another low-cost, easy to prepare –recipe—Baked Apples and Sweet Potatoes.  Happy cooking!!

Grandma’s Stuffing

National Organic Program Reexamines Strategies

Positive brand recognition—having a brand the buyer can trust—is the cornerstone of marketing success.  The same applies to USDA and, more specifically, the USDA organic seal. Since its origination in 2000, the green and white seal for certified organic products has become one of the world’s most recognizable food labels, and the USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) is serious about protecting what it stands for.

Disfrute los Días Festivos: Prepare Comidas Inocuas y Saludables

Serie especial para los días festivos- 1er blog de 5

Mientras esperamos con ansias el compartir con amigos y familiares, e iniciar nuevas memorias al preparar juntos los platos festivos, todos anhelamos servir una buena comida y hacerlo de una manera sana. Definitivamente queremos evitar el riesgo tan peligroso de enfermarnos por bacterias en los alimentos. Durante los próximos días, la Dra. Thornton y yo estaremos compartiendo consejos para ayudarle a preparar comidas inocuas y saludables. La primera receta es para preparar y cocinar adecuadamente el pavo. Las próximas recetas incluyen: la preparación del relleno, salteado de ejoles, manzanas y camotes (batatas), y un pastel de calabaza.

¡Les deseamos salud y felicidad durante esta época festiva!

Enjoy the Holidays: Preparing Healthy and Safe Meals!

Special holiday series – Blog 1 of 5

As we look forward to spending the holidays with friends and family and making meals and memories together, we all want to put good food on the table and do it safely.  We especially want to keep the threat of food poisoning at bay.  Over the next few days, we will share some delicious low-cost holiday recipes with some simple food safety tips to help you prepare healthy and safe holiday meals. The first recipe below talks about preparing and cooking a turkey safely. Recipes to follow will include Grandma’s Stuffing, Baked Apples and Sweet Potatoes, Green Bean Sauté, and Crunchy Pumpkin Pie.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season!

Taiwan Hungry for U.S. Wheat Products

Earlier today in Vietnam, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that USDA’s market development programs are investing roughly $213 million in more than 70 U.S. agricultural organizations to help expand commercial export markets for their goods. Consumers in the Asia Pacific, said the Secretary, recognize the United States as a reliable supplier of the highest-quality food and agriculture products. And USDA’s international market development programs are playing a significant role in the surging demand for the American brand of agriculture around the world.

An Old Adversary Becomes a New Friend

Oregon Wild works on wilderness protection, listing of indicator species, and protecting old-growth stands through legislative and administrates campaigns. They interact with the Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service agencies located in Oregon to reduce the old-growth logged and increase the amount restored. In the past, they have been at odds with the agencies, but now, in some instances, they are seen partners.

“I’m originally from Michigan, where I grew up a ‘nature geek,’ wandering around the woods and countryside,” Chandra Le Gue, Old-Growth Campaign Coordinator for Oregon Wild explained. “From this experience, I gained a love for nature. I was really amazed at the natural beauty of Oregon when I moved here for my graduate studies. I fell in love with the forests and landscapes. Oregon Wild’s mission matched my ideology on the importance of these areas….and I have been with the organization now for six and a half years.”