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Enjoy the Holidays: Preparing Healthy and Safe Meals!

Special holiday series – Blog 2 of 5

The countdown to turkey day is underway! To help soon-to-be busy cooks prepare healthy and safe holiday meals, USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety Dr. Elisabeth Hagen and I are providing low-cost holiday recipes with simple food safety tips. Yesterday we posted a turkey recipe with helpful suggestions on handling raw poultry. Below is a delicious recipe for stuffing.  Make sure you check out our next blog tomorrow which will feature another low-cost, easy to prepare –recipe—Baked Apples and Sweet Potatoes.  Happy cooking!!

Grandma’s Stuffing

Disfrute los Días Festivos: Prepare Comidas Inocuas y Saludables

Serie especial para los días festivos- 1er blog de 5

Mientras esperamos con ansias el compartir con amigos y familiares, e iniciar nuevas memorias al preparar juntos los platos festivos, todos anhelamos servir una buena comida y hacerlo de una manera sana. Definitivamente queremos evitar el riesgo tan peligroso de enfermarnos por bacterias en los alimentos. Durante los próximos días, la Dra. Thornton y yo estaremos compartiendo consejos para ayudarle a preparar comidas inocuas y saludables. La primera receta es para preparar y cocinar adecuadamente el pavo. Las próximas recetas incluyen: la preparación del relleno, salteado de ejoles, manzanas y camotes (batatas), y un pastel de calabaza.

¡Les deseamos salud y felicidad durante esta época festiva!

Enjoy the Holidays: Preparing Healthy and Safe Meals!

Special holiday series – Blog 1 of 5

As we look forward to spending the holidays with friends and family and making meals and memories together, we all want to put good food on the table and do it safely.  We especially want to keep the threat of food poisoning at bay.  Over the next few days, we will share some delicious low-cost holiday recipes with some simple food safety tips to help you prepare healthy and safe holiday meals. The first recipe below talks about preparing and cooking a turkey safely. Recipes to follow will include Grandma’s Stuffing, Baked Apples and Sweet Potatoes, Green Bean Sauté, and Crunchy Pumpkin Pie.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season!

Turkey FUNdamentals: Top Questions for Cooking a Turkey

The USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline has been answering consumer questions related to Holiday meals for over 25 years. Of course, we get the usual questions about buying, thawing and roasting a turkey. But we also get some of the same not-so-typical questions each year. You may have had these questions yourself.

Turkey FUNdamentals: Planning for Thanksgiving

Cross posted from the blog:

Okay, so it’s your turn to host the annual Thanksgiving feast. Aunt Sara has been cooking turkeys for 40 years, and Cousin Rachel is a gourmet cook. Can you tackle a turkey without being traumatized?

Yes you can!  Believe it or not, taking care of “Tom” isn’t that tough, and it can actually be FUN!  Just follow USDA’s “Turkey FUNdamentals” and your bird will turn out fine. The USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline says that each November, both novice and experienced cooks have the same basic questions on preparing turkey. Here they are:

Holiday Food Safety Bloopers

Cross-posted from the blog.

The USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline talked to about 350 people on Thanksgiving Day about thawing, preparing and storing turkey. Most people were right on track and just needed some reassuring about handling the big bird. Some people, however, called about situations that could be disastrous – or even deadly.

Even though these problems involved turkey, the same food safety principles apply if you’re cooking ham, duck, goose or any another holiday meat.

Un Pedazo de Vermont para el Día de Gracias

La lista de ingredientes fue suficiente para hacer mi boca agua: “Champlain Orchards,” syrup de cidra de manzana, mantequilla local, crema batida y la estrella del evento – puree de calabaza de Vermont. Chaplain Orchards localizada en el precioso Valle de Lake Champlain en Vermont está horneando su primer pastel de calabaza del año, a tiempo para el Día de Acción de Gracias.

A Slice of Vermont for Thanksgiving

This list of ingredients was enough to get my mouth watering: Champlain Orchards’ apple cider syrup, local butter and heavy cream, and the star of the show - Vermont pumpkin puree. Champlain Orchards in the beautiful Lake Champlain Valley of Vermont is making its first pumpkin pies this year, just in time for Thanksgiving.