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Showing: 9151 - 9160 of 12274 Results

A Bioinsecticide to Combat Cranberry Pests


USDA researchers are studying how a natural predator to cranberry pests can be utilized as part of a bioinsecticide to prevent plant and crop damage. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and USDA research entomologist Shawn Steffan

Weekly Features

Infrastructure Bill Has Big Boost for Climate-Smart Agriculture


The infrastructure bill has a big boost for climate-smart agriculture. (Gary Crawford. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow)

Daily Newsline

Vilsack Announces Ag. Innovation Funding in an Innovative Way


A major buzz word at the climate meetings in Scotland is "innovation". Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was innovative Saturday in making an innovation funding announcement. (Gary Crawford. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow)

Daily Newsline

Huge Increases in Export Sales to China May be Cooling Down


The pace of Chinese purchases of U.S. agricultural products may be cooling down a bit. (Gary Crawford and Bart Kenner, USDA economist)

Daily Newsline

Hemp Producers Still Have Time to Reply to USDA Hemp Survey.


USDA officials are urging hemp producers to respond to a USDA hemp survey. (Gary Crawford. Gerald Tillman with USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Bill Richmond with USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: An Overview of the Questions in Current Hemp Farmer Survey.


Bill Richmond with USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service with an overview of some of the data being sought in the current survey of hemp producers.

Daily Newsline

Some Rapid Harvest Progress for Corn and Soybeans


There has been rapid harvest progress for some of the nation's corn and soybean crops. (Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: A Detailed Look at Soybean Harvest Progress


USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, has a detailed look at the nation's soybean harvest progress.

Daily Newsline

Winter Wheat Crop Progress Generally On Pace, Condition is Comparable


Winter wheat crop progress is generally on pace, while conditions are comparable to the five-year average. (Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Winter Wheat Condition Details


USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, has a detailed look at condition ratings for the nations' winter wheat crop.

Daily Newsline


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