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Showing: 9121 - 9130 of 12631 Results

Actuality: Active Weather Concerns for Final Week of 2021


USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, discusses some potential weather activity across the country, and how that could result in threats of heavy precipitation and high winds through the remainder of this week.

Daily Newsline

Divorce Document Considerations from a Financial Perspective


What should someone just divorced, or undergoing on, consider in the way of obtaining or changing important documents particularly when there are financial implications? Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Andrew Bingham of University of Idaho Extension

Weekly Features

Actuality: Cold Concerns Reaching Parts of California


USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, discusses the potential of an expanding cold wave impacting winter crops in parts of California and the Desert Southwest.

Daily Newsline

Puffed Snacks Full of Pomace Fiber in the Future


A product left from fruit juice processing could be a means to add more fiber into grain based puffed snack foods and cereals. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Girish Ganjyal of Washington State University

Weekly Features

Actuality: National Weather Forecast for Jan. 4 - 10


USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, says consistent temperatures and near to above normal precipitation are in the nationwide weather forecast for the period of January 4th - 10th.

Daily Newsline

Glimpse of Census of Ag Preparations


Two recently announced survey availabilities from USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service are helping the agency prepare for the 2022 Census of Agriculture. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Cathy Scherrer and Kathy Ott of USDA-NASS

Weekly Features

2021's Food Price Hikes Not Unprecedented


This past year's hikes in food prices have been bigger than average, but smaller than in some years. (Gary Crawford. USDA economist, Matt MacLachlan. Former USDA Chief Economist Howard Hjort)

Daily Newsline

A New Flexibility in CREP Partnership Assistance


A change to a rule within USDA's Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program is designed to give project partners greater flexibility in matching fund requirements. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Farm Service Agency Administrator Zach Ducheneaux

Weekly Features

Conservation Innovation Awarded through Project Funding


Examples of how conservation innovation can address a variety of environmental and sustainability concerns are found in projects awarded the latest round of a USDA grant program. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Natural Resources Conservation Service Chief Terry Cosby

Weekly Features

How Will Food Prices Behave in 2022?


After two straight years of above average food price increases, what's in store for food shoppers in the new year? (Gary Crawford. USDA economist, Matt MacLachlan. USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer)

Daily Newsline


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