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Showing: 7401 - 7410 of 8108 Results

USDA Promotes Breastfeeding

September 23, 2010 Audrey Rowe, USDA Deputy Administrator of Special Nutrition Programs

I recently had the pleasure to spend a little time with some expecting and nursing mothers in Martinsburg, West Virginia. It was the first meeting of a newly formed community breastfeeding support group planned to coincide with World Breastfeeding Week. My friend Mitch Greenbaum, Director of...

Food and Nutrition

USDA Officials in the Midwest Look at Novel Ways to Create New Energy from Waste Material

September 23, 2010 Bill Menner, USDA Rural Development State Director in Iowa

After visiting a cutting-edge biofuels facility in rural Iowa recently, a group of USDA Rural Development state directors are thinking about the tremendous global implications of that plant.


Know Your Sooner, Know Your Food

September 23, 2010 Crystal Young, Public Affairs Specialist, NRCS

Larry Wright leaned to his right and said, “I just realized that when I was up there introducing the conference, I forgot to tell everyone who I was.”Larry is the Oklahoma area coordinator for the Great Plains Resource Conservation and Development’s (RC&D) and worked tirelessly for five months...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming

Conservation on the Ground in Kansas

September 23, 2010 NRCS Chief Dave White

USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service is a federal agency that provides one-on-one conservation assistance to farmers, ranchers and other private landowners. We help landowners grow food and other crops in more efficient, environmentally friendly ways to protect the natural resources that we...


USDA Joins Maryland in Celebrating Farmer’s Markets

September 23, 2010 Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services Kevin Concannon

I recently visited the Park Heights Community Farmers’ Market in Baltimore, Maryland. At USDA we’re enthusiastic about farmers markets because they help fulfill two of our primary missions – promoting good nutrition and supporting United States agriculture, especially family farmers. Farmers’...

Food and Nutrition Farming

USDA Forest Service, Partners, Go Live for Pollinators from the USDA National Arboretum

September 22, 2010 Deidra L. McGee, USDA Forest Service Office of Communication

The USDA Forest Service, Prince William County School District and other partners will host a live webcast - “ PollinatorLIVE: A Distance Learning Adventure - on Wednesday, Sept. 29 from the Washington Youth Garden at the USDA National Arboretum.

Conservation Forestry

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Views Recovery Act Project that Improves the Environment and Creates Jobs in Maryland

September 22, 2010 Jamie Welch, Student Reporter, Worcester Prep

The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack visited the town of Berlin, Maryland, Monday to check up on the upgrades that are taking place to improve the Berlin Wastewater Treatment Plant. Secretary Vilsack is the highest-ranking federal official to visit the town since Franklin D. Roosevelt was...

Initiatives Rural

A Wisconsin Apple Orchard Saves Energy and Money Thanks to a USDA Grant

September 22, 2010 Kelly Edwards, USDA Wisconsin Public Information Officer

Helene’s Hilltop Orchard, LLC, a family destination and small business in Merrill, Wis., was recently selected as a recipient of a U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Renewable Energy for America Program Grant. A $19,750 grant will be used to help lower the energy costs of running their...

Energy Rural

USDA Transition Program Gives Hope to Young and Old Alike

September 22, 2010 Kristi Brintnell, county executive director, Walsh County, N.D., FSA

When Taylor Grabanksi, a 23-year-old beginning farmer in Walsh County, North Dakota, heard about the Farm Service Agency’s Transition Incentive Program (TIP) he knew this was a program he wanted to check out.

Conservation Rural

Part Two: “Building In” a Balanced Response to Climate Change … and Being Acountable

September 22, 2010 Dave Cleaves, USDA Forest Service Climate Change Advisor

This post is Part Two of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. Read part one here.

Forestry Research and Science


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