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Showing: 7381 - 7390 of 8108 Results

A Hall of Fame Worthy of Its Name

September 29, 2010 Edward B. Knipling, Administrator, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Washington, D.C.

Mention the words “hall of fame” to most people, and they’re likely to imagine a stellar baseball player or someone who’s written a string of hit songs. But at USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, we have a Hall of Fame that isn’t about batting averages or popular tunes; it’s about changing the...

Research and Science

Broadband Critical for the Future of Rural Illinois

September 29, 2010 Joan Messina, USDA Illinois Public Information Officer

Monmouth, Ill., residents Vicki and Ted Briscoe want to know when their access to the Internet will no longer be hampered by a slow dial up connection. The answer—12 to 18 months—came from Noah Campbell, vice president of community relations for Utopian Wireless Corp, at a talk show-style forum held...

Initiatives Rural Technology

Award-Winning People's Garden Donates 889 Pounds of Produce to Seniors

September 29, 2010 FSA West Liberty Service Center

Cross posted from the FSA blog. The senior citizen’s centers in seven Kentucky counties are benefitting from fresh produce grown as part of the West Liberty Service Center People’s Garden.

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

Préstamo para Jóvenes de la FSA Aumenta Potencial para la Presentación de Ganado a Niño de 11 Años

September 29, 2010 Dana Rogge, Coordinador de Alcance de la Farm Service Agency en Missouri

La vida de un niño típico no es nada comparada con la rutina diaria de Tanner Johnson, un chico de 11 años de edad y beneficiario de un Préstamo para Jóvenes de la Agencia de Servicio Agrícola (FSA, por sus siglas en inglés).


USDA Agencies Provide Fresh Local Food to Bangor Area Shelter

September 28, 2010 Virginia Manuel, USDA Rural Development State Director, Maine

USDA Rural Development, Natural Resources Conservation Service and Farm Service Agency employees delivered a bounty of fresh vegetables to Manna Ministries in Bangor on September 10. It marked the eleventh delivery of garden vegetables this summer. The heaps of fresh tomatoes, summer squash...

Conservation Initiatives Rural

Southwest Regional Feds, Farmers and Friends Feed Families Food Drive 2010

September 28, 2010 Lupe Gomez, Food Driver Coordinator, Human Resources Department, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Southwest Regional Office

This summer I had the honor of organizing the Feds, Farmers and Friends Feed Families Food Drive for the Southwest Region Food and Nutrition Service. As the human resources liaison for the region, I don’t get the opportunity to work directly with partners or clients so this food drive gave me a very...

Food and Nutrition

Virtual Fencing: Control from Above

September 28, 2010 Dean M. Anderson, Animal Scientist, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Jornada Experimental Range, Las Cruces, N.M.

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA's rich science and research portfolio. While driving, have you ever wondered why there are so many fences to interrupt your soul-satisfying, wide-open-spaces...

Rural Research and Science

Native American Business in Nevada Gets a Boost from USDA and the Recovery Act

September 28, 2010 Grant Allen, USDA Rural Development Nevada Student Intern

USDA Rural Development along with The Walker River Paiute Tribe (WRPT) scheduled a Resource Fair to accompany the Completion Ceremony of their newly constructed Four Seasons Fireworks Building. The Completion Ceremony and Resource Fair took place on September 17, 2010 in Schurz, Nevada. The new...


Breeding Local Seed for Local Food

September 27, 2010 Ann Marie Thro, National Institute of Food and Agriculture and Larry Robertson, Agricultural Research Service

They say that variety is the spice of life. Well, you can’t get much more variety than in the plant world. Genetic variation exists for many traits in all crops. For example, although most carrots on grocers’ shelves are orange, carrots can also be white, yellow, green, or purple. Most potatoes are...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Earn Your Healthy Eating Badge and Check In with the USDA’s National Farmers Market Directory

September 27, 2010 Debra Tropp, Chief, Farmers Market & Direct Marketing Research Branch, AMS

As part of CNN’s week-long series “Eatrocracy: Mind, Body and Wallet,” the USDA’s National Farmers Market Directory is featured in a unique way to encourage consumers to use farmers markets as a source of fresh, local and healthy food. The series showcases our database of more than 6,200 farmers...

Food and Nutrition


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