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Showing: 5731 - 5740 of 8106 Results

Forest Service Job Corps Graduates get Trip of a Lifetime in Kuwait

February 16, 2012 Keith Riggs, Office of Communication, U.S. Forest Service

Little did Chamain and Shaneka Hicks know four years ago that they would be off on an adventure that their high school classmates would envy.


Under Secretary Hosts South Dakota Meeting on Renewable Energy Funding Opportunities

February 16, 2012 Tammi Schone, USDA South Dakota Public Information Officer

This afternoon, USDA Rural Development in South Dakota convened a Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) meeting in Sioux Falls. Rural Development Under Secretary Dallas Tonsager addressed the group of 25 stakeholders. Tonsager shared with the group that over the next couple of months, USDA Rural...

Energy Rural

Just the Facts: State vs. Federal School Nutrition Programs

February 16, 2012 Courtney Rowe, Press Secretary, USDA

In the past 24 hours, we’ve seen a lot of chatter online regarding a story from North Carolina in which a pre-school student’s lunch was deemed “unhealthy.” We’d like to set the record straight.

Food and Nutrition

FSA Teams With CT AGvocate Program to Connect Residents With Local Farmers

February 16, 2012 Tanya Brown, FSA Office of Communications

Windham County Farm Service Agency in Connecticut has taken an innovative approach to connect consumers with their local farmer. Through the state’s AGvocate program — a program designed to make farming viable in Connecticut towns — the agency received funding to promote agriculture by creating...

Food and Nutrition Farming

US Forest Service releases 2011 Tax Guide for Forest Landowners

February 15, 2012 Linda Wang, National Timber Tax Specialist, U.S. Forest Service

The Forest Service recently released the 2011 edition of Federal Income Tax on Timber: A Key to Your Most Frequently Asked Questions, a quick-reference guide to timber tax laws impacting woodland owners.


South Dakota Communications Cooperative Recognized at White House “Champions of Change” Event

February 15, 2012 Tammi Schone, South Dakota Public Information Coordinator

Headquartered in the community of Highmore in the heart of South Dakota, Venture Communications Cooperative is committed to providing friendly, first-rate service. Commitment to their members and customers has distinguished them as one of several businesses from across the country that were invited...

Rural Technology

Expanded Tracking Provides Market Insight for Produce Industry

February 15, 2012 Terry Long, Director Market News Division, AMS Fruit and Vegetable Program

Over 13 billion pounds of fresh fruit and vegetables cross the U.S.-Mexican border each year. Having accurate tracking of the food being imported across our southern border is important for a variety of reasons—including the ability to accurately assess the market price of incoming goods and the...


2012 Ag Outlook Forum: U.S. Agriculture, the Weather and Climate Change

February 15, 2012 Brenda Chapin, OCE

USDA’s 2012 Agricultural Outlook Forum, Feb. 23-24, will present 25 breakout sessions, including three sessions focused on U.S. agriculture and the weather. In the session Innovations to Minimize Crop Loss in a Changing Climate, Oregon State University will demonstrate their PRISM Spatial Climate...

USDA Forum Highlights Efforts to Create New Wisconsin Jobs

February 14, 2012 Kelly Edwards, USDA Wisconsin Public Information Officer

Recently, in Dodgeville, Wisconsin, USDA Rural Development hosted a “Partners in Building Community Forum” in which the primary focus was to generate ideas that would promote job growth in Wisconsin. Over the past three years, USDA Rural Development has helped to create or save more than 1450 jobs...

USDA Results Rural

How is your Community Moving? Send us a Video!

February 14, 2012 Max Finberg, Director, USDA Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Last Saturday, First Lady Michelle Obama announced the Communities on the Move Video challenge and invited faith-based, community, and other non-profit organizations to create inspiring videos about their efforts to reverse the trend of childhood obesity. The challenge will recognize community...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives


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