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Showing: 4821 - 4830 of 8105 Results

Don’t Forget Your Winter “Vegetables”

December 10, 2012 Tracy Sulton, AMS Public Affairs Intern

December is National Tomato and Winter Squash Month, a time to celebrate two very versatile “vegetables” that contain a wealth of flavors and nutrients. You may find this hard to believe, but at one point tomatoes (once called "love apples") were considered poisonous and grown solely for their...

Food and Nutrition

School Gardens on Wheels

December 10, 2012 Leslie Burks, Project Manager for The People’s Garden Initiative

USDA partnered with The Washington Capitals to bring a People’s Garden to Powell Elementary School in Washington, DC almost 2 years ago. The process began with a garden design session so parents, teachers and students from every grade could put their ideas on paper. Hundreds of ideas were collected...


Creative Financing Roundtable Hosted by Vermont USDA Staff

December 10, 2012 David Robinson, program director, Vermont-New Hampshire Rural Development State Office

Last week, Molly Lambert, State Director of the Vermont Rural Development State Office, (RD) joined me in hosting the state’s first “Intermediary Relending Program and Creative Financing Roundtable.” Meeting participants, including leaders from Vermont’s economic and community development centers...


North Carolina Faith Communities Eat Smart and Move More

December 07, 2012 Pam Niesen, Intern, USDA Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Let’s Move Faith and Communities challenges congregations and communities to make health a priority through wellness leadership implemented in three steps: lead, organize, and take action. Fifty North Carolina faith communities are doing just that through their partnership with Faithful Families...


President’s Council of Advisors Releases First Study on the Value of Agricultural Research, Declares U.S. ‘Undisputed World Leader’

December 07, 2012 Matt Herrick, Office of Communications

The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) today presented a report on the importance of USDA’s leadership in agricultural research. The Council is a diverse group of individuals appointed by the President from across the basic and applied scientific community to advise...

Research and Science

Secretary's Column: Ensuring a Safe Food Supply for Americans

December 07, 2012 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Often during the holiday season, we take time to reconnect with family and friends over a meal. We're able to do so because hardworking folks in rural America deliver the most abundant and affordable food supply on earth. It's also the safest food supply - an achievement made possible by a wide...

Health and Safety

South Dakota Local Foods Conference Supports South Dakota Producers and Resource Providers

December 07, 2012 South Dakota USDA Rural Development Coordinator Christine Sorensen

The second annual South Dakota Local Foods Conference was held recently to continue the dialogue on local foods among producers, consumers, farmer’s markets, retailers, schools and others. The conference provided attendees from across the state two days of breakout sessions, networking, and...

Food and Nutrition Farming Rural

Why Should Young People Care About The Farm Bill?

December 07, 2012 Rachael Dubinsky and Rebecca Frank, Office of Communications

As young people that grew up in urban areas, it’s easy to wonder why we, or our peers, should care about the Farm Bill. The truth of the matter is, the Farm Bill affects more than just farmers. As Congress works to pass a new Farm Bill before the end of the year, it’s crucial to make our voices...

Conservation USDA Results Food and Nutrition Rural Research and Science

Secretary Vilsack Addresses White House Tribal Nations Conference-Unveils Sacred Sites Report

December 06, 2012 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Yesterday, it was my privilege to join other cabinet members in addressing an estimated 500 tribal members from across the United States at the White House Tribal Nations Conference at the Interior Department.


Kake Forests Provide More than Just Trees

December 05, 2012 Samia Savell, NRCS Alaska

On a typical late summer day in Kake, Alaska, residents prepare for the day by layering heavy-duty rain gear, protective gloves and rubber boots over jeans and fleece. Most of these Alaskans will head to work supporting the local fishing industry. A select few, however, will be bundling up for a...

Conservation Forestry


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