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Showing: 2241 - 2250 of 8105 Results

Taking the Mystery Out of USDA Tools for Organic Agriculture

November 24, 2015 Joseph Heller, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Getting people together to talk can result in great ideas. In June, USDA hosted 100 farmers, ranchers, retailers and producers in Chester, New York, in the Hudson Valley, to discuss opportunities and challenges in organic production, and to share information on USDA programs and services available...


Natural Supplements for Healthier Turkeys

November 24, 2015 Sandra Avant, Public Affairs Specialist, Agricultural Research Service

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. Let’s talk turkey. You’re going to hear a lot about food safety as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, but what you often...

Research and Science

Our Unwavering Efforts in Facilitating Bilateral Trade

November 24, 2015 Edward Avalos
Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs, USDA

Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting with US Department of Agriculture counterparts in both Chile and Peru. My travel to South America was an opportunity to discuss our most recent trade successes and how we can further build on this great relationship and momentum. In Chile, I met with the...

Animals Plants

First-ever Regional Farm to School Institute Underway in the Northeast

November 23, 2015 Danielle Fleury, Farm to School Lead, Northeast Region, Food and Nutrition Service

This account was written by VT FEED Project Director, Betsy Rosenbluth and Shelburne Farms Public Relations and Marketing Director, Vera Chang. As principal of Sharon Elementary School in Sharon, Vt., Barrett Williams helps his teachers integrate farm to school pedagogy into curricula by making sure...

Food and Nutrition

Baby, it’s cold outside. Time to stock up on firewood.

November 23, 2015 Rhonda Santos, APHIS Public Information Officer

It’s fall in North America. It’s the time of year that marks the transition from summer into winter. It’s when the night time comes earlier and the weather cools considerably. It’s also the time of year when most of us start to turn on our heat or start to acquire firewood. There are a lot of us...

Animals Plants

Putting Our Minds Together to Improve Education on the Warm Springs Reservation

November 23, 2015 Vicki Walker, Oregon State Director, USDA Rural Development

USDA celebrates National Native American Heritage Month in November with a blog series focused on USDA’s support of Tribal Nations and highlighting a number of our efforts throughout Indian Country and Alaska. Follow along on the USDA blog . One year ago, I joined tribal and community leaders on the...


'Tis the Season to Talk Turkey

November 23, 2015 Michael Sheats, Acting Associate Deputy Administrator of the AMS Livestock, Poultry and Seed Program and Director of the AMS Agricultural Analytics Division

The Thanksgiving season is upon us, time for family homecomings, parades, and football games. More importantly, time for the annual turkey feast. As the marketing season hits full stride, the question on everyone’s lips this year is…will there be a shortage of turkeys? The simple answer is: no. To...


Producing Statistics about Hard-to-Reach Populations through Adaptive and Network Sampling

November 20, 2015 Matt Gregg, Mathematical Statistician, National Agricultural Statistics Service

The number of people who had heart disease related surgeries, the percentage of Americans who take anti-depressants; the number of women who opt for natural childbirth, these are health statistics you likely hear about in the news frequently. But how do public health researchers obtain data about...

Research and Science

Stewardship, Antibiotics and Veterinary Medical Ethics - A Call for Action

November 20, 2015 Dr. John Clifford, Co-Chair, USDA One Health Joint Working Group and Chief Veterinary Officer

Stewardship is an ethic that embodies the responsible planning and management of resources. And as World Antibiotics Awareness Week comes to a close today, it’s important to note that the Veterinary Medicine profession too has a role to play in the use of antibiotics for animal health. This...

Animals Plants

A Regional, Rural Northeast Kansas Hospital Celebrates the Completion of State-of-the-Art Facility

November 20, 2015 USDA Rural Development State Director Patty Clark

What began as an individual physician medical practice in 1859 in the small rural community of Onaga, Kan., has grown into a regional healthcare system spanning 10,000 square miles in three counties in northeast Kansas. The vision for this regional system was seeded by dedicated doctors, nurses, and...



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