Enterprise Network Services (ENS)
What We Do
The mission of the OCIO’s Enterprise Network Services (ENS) directorate is to plan, implement, manage, and maintain USDA’s enterprise telecommunications program. We deliver streamlined, secure, and supportable products and services that are specifically tailored to our customers’ requirements.
Our vision is to be a catalyst for leading change. Our goal is to build key partnerships and deliver state-of-the-art, innovative technology solutions that directly enable the USDA mission.
USDA Enterprise Network (a.k.a. “The Backbone”)
One of our primary responsibilities is operating the USDA Unified Telecommunications Network (UTN-NG). That’s the “backbone” that connects USDA agencies to each other and to the Internet.
Core Services
ENS develops, manages, and implements Department-wide telecommunications services and operations that facilitate the migration of existing USDA agencies' networks to an USDA enterprise network. We help them leverage the UTN-NG with integrated services for nationwide telecommunications operations and enhanced network support.
Under the Telecommunications Infrastructure Management and Governance (TIMG) function, ENS provides USDA Agencies and staff offices with cost-effective centralized services for nationwide telecommunications management operations. We help our customers reduce costs by:
- Evaluating and improving telecommunication processes
- Delivering economies of scale in services and processing
- Maintaining usage and billing data
- Identifying and consolidating stovepiped services
ENS implements, manages, and maintains USDA's telecommunications network security program. We implement USDA IT security initiatives by developing, delivering, and managing department-wide network security services and operations.