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Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (FERMI)

The Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (FERMI) is NARA’s effort to provide a government-wide, modern, cost-effective, standardized, and interoperable set of records management solutions and services to Federal agencies. NARA identified the common, core requirements all Federal agencies need to support their records management programs. While Federal agencies may have different missions, structures, and resources, they do have common needs for managing their electronic records. They all need to manage their records in compliance with NARA’s statutes, regulations, and guidance. NARA serves as the Electronic Records Management Functional Area Lead for GSA's Unified Shared Services Management (USSM) office's Business Standards Council.

The Universal ERM Requirements identify high level business needs for managing electronic records. They are baseline ERM program requirements derived from existing statutes, standards, NARA regulations, policy, and guidance.

We are making it easier for agencies to acquire the services and solutions they need to manage their electronic records. We worked with GSA to create an Electronic Records Management Solutions category (518210ERM) in GSA's Consolidated Schedule. Vendors must self-certify they meet the Universal ERM Requirements to be included on the schedule. GSA added an Electronic Records Management category to their Discovery Market Research Tool.

Records Management Language for Contracts

Federal Integrated Business Framework image

The FIBF is a model that enables the Federal government to better coordinate and document common business needs across agencies and focus on outcomes, data, processes and performance. It is the essential first step towards standards that will drive economies of scale and leverage the government’s buying power.

The Electronic Records Management Federal Business Lifecycle and Business Capabilities are based on the Universal ERM Requirements. The Business Capabilities are a model framework that identifies the key functions, activities, and capabilities necessary for agencies to manage their electronic records. This document maps capabilities to authoritative references, including statutes, regulations, guidance, and standards.

The Business Use Cases for Electronic Records Management serve as a tool agencies can use when procuring services or solutions to manage electronic records. They can be used by agencies to demonstrate how vendors perform the described requirements and workflows. These are built directly off the Federal Business Lifecycle and Business Capabilities. They tell the “stories” of how to manage electronic records.

The Standard Data Elementsrepresent the minimum data elements needed for vendors and service providers to manage agency records. The Standard Data Elements are intended to cover all types of electronic records.

The Performance Metrics are under development.


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