OCFO - Records Management Program

The Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) Records Management Team is responsible for overseeing proper records and file management within the Department of Agriculture.
OCFO is responsible for identifying and protecting records necessary for USDA to continue its essential functions and activities during and following an emergency, disaster, or event that could cause the disruption of normal operations. It augments information in the Incident Preparedness, Response, and Recovery DR 1800-001, Departmental Emergency Programs Responsibilities, and the USDA Headquarters Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan. The primary authority for establishing a vital records management program within the Federal Government is 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Subchapter B – Records Management, Part 1223, Managing Vital Records.
Agency Heads and Staff Office Heads:
- Designate a vital records coordinator to implement, maintain and oversee the vital records management program.
- Ensure agency and staff office vital records management programs are in compliance with Departmental, organization specific, and NARA requirements and guidelines.
- Identify and select those records essential to agency-wide effectiveness during and after an emergency or disaster. This includes selecting the appropriate media for storing records