Biotechnology & 21st Century Agriculture

Advisory Committee on Biotechnology & 21st Century Agriculture (AC21)
The Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture (AC21) was originally established in February, 2003 and first met in June, 2003. Under its Charter, the committee is charged with examining the long-term impacts of biotechnology on the U.S. food and agriculture system and USDA, and providing guidance to USDA on pressing individual issues, identified by the Office of the Secretary, related to the application of biotechnology in agriculture. The AC21 is a broad-based committee representing a wide range of interests and agricultural expertise.
The AC21, which met frequently between 2003 and 2008, has been revived by Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to focus in the near term on a specific topic: to develop practical recommendations for strengthening coexistence among different agricultural production methods. The Committee will meet 3 or 4 times per year in public session to discuss this topic.
All materials for committee meetings, meeting summaries and transcripts, as well as committee reports and recommendations will be posted on this website.
- AC21 Charter (PDF, 87.3 KB)
- AC21 Bylaws (PDF, 91.7 KB)
- AC21 Members 2015 (PDF, 33.4 KB)
- ARS Biotechnology 21st Century Agriculture Meeting Federal Register, Volume 76 Issue 153 (Tuesday, August 9, 2011) (DOC, 29.5 KB)
December 8, 2016 AC21 Final Report
- A Framework for Local Coexistence Discussions: A Report to the Secretary of Agriculture (PDF, 921 KB)
September 8-9, 2016 AC21 meeting
- September 2016 Meeting Summary (PDF, 841 KB)
- Draft text of AC21 report on local coexistence efforts for discussion (PDF, 465 KB)
- Draft Executive Summary of AC21 report on local coexistence efforts for discussion (PDF, 79.3 KB)
- Public Comments from Ms. Carla Curle, Beyond Pesticides (PDF, 173 KB)
- Submitted Comments from Ms. Isha Datar, New Harvest (PDF, 197 KB)
- September 2016 FR Notice
- September 2016 Provisional Agenda (PDF, 78.2 KB)
June 13-14, 2016 AC21 meeting
- June 2016 Meeting summary (PDF, 554 KB)
- June 13, 2016 Meeting Transcript (PDF, 644 KB)
- June 14, 2016 Meeting Transcript (PDF, 435 KB)
- Draft Guidance framework for identity-preserved production (PDF, 300 KB)
- Draft text on local coexistence discussions (PDF, 448 KB)
- Draft elements of a final 2016 AC21 report (PDF, 75.6 KB)
- Draft text on complex issues for AC21 report (PDF, 154 KB)
- Compiled summaries of ad hoc subgroup meetings since the March, 2016 plenary session (PDF, 732 KB)
- Notice of the Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture Meeting FR Notice
- June 2016 Provisional Agenda (PDF, 98.3 KB)
March 14-15, 2016 AC21 meeting
- March 2016 Meeting Summary (PDF, 612 KB)
- March 14, 2016 Meeting Transcript (PDF, 756 KB)
- March 15, 2016 Meeting Transcript (PDF, 505 KB)
- Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture Federal Notice
- March 2016 Provisional Agenda (PDF, 95.1 KB)
- Economic Research Service Report, "Economic Issues in the Coexistence of Organic, Genetically Engineered (GE), and non-GE Crops"
- Background information on North Dakota Pollinator Plan (PDF, 367 KB)
- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Changes to Biotechnology Regulations (PDF, 65.5 KB)
Guidance Document ad hoc Subgroup
- Summary of the 2-23-16 Subgroup meeting (PDF, 129 KB)
- Summary of the 1-12-16 Subgroup meeting (PDF, 89.7 KB)
- Two proposed guidance document frameworks submitted by subgroup members (PDF, 567 KB)
Models and Incentives ad hoc Subgroup
- Summary of the 2-8-16 Subgroup meeting (PDF, 111 KB)
- Summary of the 1-25-16 Subgroup meeting (PDF, 225 KB)
Venues and Conveners ad hoc Subgroup
- Summary of the 2-26-16 Subgroup meeting (PDF, 417 KB)
- Summary of the 2-2-16 Subgroup meeting (PDF, 304 KB)
December 14-15, 2015 AC21 meeting
- December 2015 Meeting summary (PDF, 507 KB)
- December 14, 2015 Meeting Transcript (PDF, 764 KB)
- December 15, 2015 Meeting Transcript (PDF, 547 KB)
- Summary of main USDA activities initiated in response to the November 2012 AC21 report (PDF, 107 KB)
- Brief highlights of USDA activities initiated in response to the November 2012 AC21 report (PDF, 40.3 KB)
- Public Comments from Dr. Margaret Mellon (PDF, 89.0 KB)
- Public Comments from Mr. Dudley Hoskins, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (PDF, 444 KB)
- December 2015 FR Notice
- December 2015 Provisional Agenda (PDF, 69.2 KB)
February 21, 2013 Fact Sheet
- Summary of USDA Efforts to Address Final Recommendations by the Advisory Committee on Biotechnology & 21st Century Agriculture (AC21) (PDF, 62.4 KB)
November 19, 2012 AC21 Final Report
August 27-28, 2012 AC21 Meeting
- Public Comments from Sharon Perrone and Abigail Seiler, Center for Food Safety (PDF, 537 KB)
- Public Comments from Liana Hoodes, National Organic Coalition (PDF, 172 KB)
- Public Comments from Genna Reed, Food & Water Watch (PDF, 153 KB)
- Public Comments from Scott Sinner, S B & B Foods and the Northern Food Grade Soybean Association (PDF, 57.2 KB)
- Public Comments from J. Michael Sligh, Rural Advancement Foundation International (PDF, 21.3 KB)
- Public Comments from Barbara Glenn, CropLife America (PDF, 264 KB)
- Public Comments from Kristina Hubbard, Organic Seed Alliance (PDF, 346 KB)
- Public Comments from Chris Ryan, Beyond Pesticides (PDF, 201 KB)
- Public comments by Nicholas Maravell, Maryland organic farmer (PDF, 42.1 KB)
- August 2012 Meeting Summary (DOC, 209 KB)
- Meeting Transcript, August 27 (DOCX, 197 KB)
- Meeting Transcript, August 28 (DOCX, 158 KB)
- Chair's note to members accompanying the working draft (DOCX, 11.7 KB)
- Working draft of AC21 report for discussion at August 27-28 meeting (DOCX, 58.9 KB)
- Draft Recommendations I and 3 revised overnight on August 27 for discussion on August 28, 2012 (DOCX, 14.1 KB)
- Suggested timeline for final completion of the report (DOCX, 11.8 KB)
- Compiled comments on previous draft of the AC21 report (DOCX, 94.2 KB)
- August 2012 FR notice (DOCX, 18.8 KB)
- August 2012 Provisional Agenda (DOCX, 17.9 KB)
Additional comments received by USDA but not orally presented at the meeting
- Electronic comment submitted by Oren Holle, Kansas organic producer (PDF, 64.8 KB)
- Electronic comment submitted by Theresa Podoll, Prairie Road Organic Seed (PDF, 64.7 KB)
- Electronic comment submitted by Dean Hulse, North Dakota farmer (PDF, 18.4 KB)
- Electronic comment submitted by Mark Schonbeck, consultant in sustainable agriculture (PDF, 49.9 KB)
May 29-30, 2012 AC21 Meeting
- Public comments from Genna Reed, Food and Water Watch (FWW) (DOC, 36.5 KB)
- Public comments from Colin O'Neil, Center for Food Safety (CFS) (DOCX, 173 KB)
- Public comments from John Rigolizzo, Jr., Truth About Trade and Technology (DOCX, 15.1 KB)
- May 2012 Meeting summary (DOC, 180 KB)
- Meeting Transcript, May 29 (DOCX, 209 KB)
- Meeting Transcript, May 30 (DOCX, 137 KB)
- Potential framing points/themes for the AC21 report (DOCX, 21.2 KB)
- Proposed report outline (DOC, 22 KB)
- Proposed report timeline (DOC, 21.5 KB)
- May 2012 FR Notice
- May 2012 Provisional Agenda (DOCX, 18.4 KB)
March 5-6, 2012 AC21 meeting
- March 2012 Meeting summary (DOCX, 98.4 KB)
- Meeting Transcript, March 5 (DOC, 450 KB)
- Meeting Transcript, March 6 (DOC, 324 KB)
- Presentation by Dr. David Johnson, Assistant Director of Research, Cal/West Seeds (and AC21 member), in panel discussion on how the commercial sector is addressing unintended presence now and managing risk (PPTX, 3.9 MB)
- Presentation by Mr. Charles Brown, President, Brownseed Genetics, in panel discussion on how the commercial sector is addressing unintended presence now and managing risk (PDF, 480 KB)
- Public comments from Richard Bonanno, Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation (DOCX, 25.0 KB)
- Public comments from Mark Darrington, National Association of Wheat Growers/ U.S. Wheat Associates (DOCX, 20.8 KB)
- Public comments from Colin O'Neil, CFS (DOC, 177 KB)
- Public comments from Genna Reed (DOC, 36.5 KB)
- Public comments from Nicholas Maravell, Maryland organic farmer (PDF, 666 KB)
- March 2012 FR Notice
- March 2012 Provisional Agenda (DOC, 34.5 KB)
December 6-7, 2011 AC21 meeting
- December 2011 Meeting summary (DOC, 133 KB)
- Meeting transcript, December 6 (DOC, 541 KB)
- Meeting transcript, December 7 (DOC, 300 KB)
- Presentation by Michael Rodemeyer, University of Virginia, "Exploring Coexistence: PIFB-NASDA Workshop 2006" (PPT, 873 KB)
- Presentation by Dr. Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes, University of Missouri, "Selected Themes from GMCC-11 (Fifth International Genetically Modified Crops Coexistence Conference)" (PDF, 1012 KB)
- Public comments from Kristina Hubbard, Organic Seed Alliance (PDF, 461 KB)
- Public comments from Genna Reed, FWW (DOC, 39.5 KB)
- Public comments from Kevin Engel, Engel Family Farms (PDF, 16.5 KB)
- Public comments from Colin O'Neil (DOC, 185 KB)
- Public comments from Robert Quinn, Montana organic farmer (DOC, 30 KB)
- Public comments from Barbara Glenn, Crop Life America (PDF, 52.4 KB)
- Public comments from Ron Litterer, Iowa farmer (DOC, 24.5 KB)
- Public comments from Bill Hoffman, Wisconsin farmer (DOC, 28.5 KB)
- December 2011 FR Notice
- December 2011 Provisional Agenda (DOCX, 18 KB)
- Background Information on Prior LLP Incidents Involving Regulated Materials (DOCX, 144 KB)
November 14-15, 2011 Webinar meetings
- November 2011 FR Notice
- November 14 webinar meeting summary (DOC, 70 KB)
- November 15 webinar meeting summary (DOC, 71 KB)
August 30-31, 2011 AC21 meeting
- Presentation by Dr. Michael Schechtman, Agricultural Research Service, on "Activities Supporting Coexistence" (PPTX, 89.2 KB)
- Presentation by Dr. Catherine Greene, Economic Research Service, on "Costs, Risks, and Returns in Different Agricultural Systems" (PPT, 680 KB)
- Public Comment from Colin O'Neil, Center for Food Safety (PDF, 171 KB)
- Public Comment from Michael Sligh, Rural Advancement Foundation International (DOCX, 135 KB)
- August 2011 Meeting Agenda (PDF, 50.6 KB)
- AC21 Charge (DOCX, 12.0 KB)
- August 2011 Meeting Summary (DOC, 113 KB)
- Meeting Transcript, August 30 (DOC, 535 KB)
- Meeting Transcript, August 31 (DOC, 418 KB)
Working Groups
- AC21 Working Groups Status Update 1-19-12 (DOC, 30.5 KB)
- AC21 Working groups - Status Update 11-10-11 (DOCX, 14.1 KB)
Working Group on Potential Compensation Mechanisms
- Draft summary of the May 4, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 21.5 KB)
- Summary of the April 9, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 20.2 KB)
- Summary of the February 23, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 18.8 KB)
- Summary of the January 31, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 22.8 KB)
- Summary of the January 13, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 38.4 KB)
- Summary of the December 20, 2011 Working Group meeting (DOC, 35 KB)
- Summary of the November 22, 2011 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 148 KB)
Working Group on Size and Scope of Risks
- Summary of the April 20, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 19.8 KB)
- Summary of the February 14, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 26.7 KB)
- Summary of the January 17, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 28.2 KB)
- Draft summary of the December 1, 2011 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 21.1 KB)
Working Group on Tools and Standards to Verify Eligibility and Losses
- Summary of the May 7, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 25.5 KB)
- Summary of the April 23, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 25.3 KB)
- Summary of the February 7, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 16.2 KB)
- Summary of the January 11, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 18.1 KB)
Working Group on 'Who Pays?'
- Summary of the May 11, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 21.2 KB)
- Summary of the April 10, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 26.2 KB)
- Summary of the February 15, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 25.9 KB)
- Summary of the January 19, 2012 Working Group meeting (DOCX, 24.3 KB)
Documents provided by AC21 members
- Document provided by Marty Matlock on European Union compensation schemes (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- Document provided to the AC21 by Commissioner Douglas Goehring (DOC, 208 KB)