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A Century of Skiing With the US Forest Service

January 23, 2015 Kristin Merony, National Partnership Office, U.S. Forest Service

For the third time, the 2015 FIS Alpine World Ski Championships have returned to the White River National Forest in Colorado, placing special emphasis on the importance of ski area development on national forests throughout America’s history. Each year millions of visitors ski and snowboard down the...


USDA Foods Hatches New Chicken Product for Schools

January 21, 2015 Lindsay Walle, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Food Distribution Division

School lunches have evolved since many of our childhood days to keep pace with new dietary guidelines and school meal patterns, but one food has been an enduring component: chicken. The popular protein graces the center of the plate in a variety of forms and flavors, and the new USDA Foods...

Food and Nutrition

Downhill Thrill: The Life of a Snow Ranger during Alpine World Ski Championships

January 16, 2015 Max Forgensi, White River National Forest, U.S. Forest Service

There is an amazing partnership happening on public lands across this country, and it’s been ongoing for nearly a century. You may not know that large private companies operate ski resorts on your national forests and for that reason the U.S. Forest Service has snow rangers across the country...


USDA Works With Remote Utah Tribe to Prevent Future Flooding

November 03, 2014 Ron Francis, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Utah

A massive wildfire followed by heavy rains greatly damaged the landscape of a Utah valley, home to the Skull Valley Band of the Goshute Indian Tribe. The natural disasters broke water delivery systems and disrupted vital community infrastructure. Recently, the band’s leadership met with USDA...


A Paiute Pumpkin Patch in Utah

October 31, 2014 Doug O'Brien, Acting Administrator, USDA Rural Development

As we prepare for annual Halloween celebrations across the nation, I was reminded of a trip I made to Cedar City, Utah earlier this month. StrikeForce for Rural Growth and Opportunity is an effort Secretary Vilsack launched in 2010 to address the distinct set of challenges America’s most rural areas...


Under Secretary Bonnie Tells World Congress of Scientists Their Work will Light the Way to Better Forest Management

October 29, 2014 Carita Chan, Research and Development, U.S. Forest Service

Confronting climate change will be substantially cheaper and easier if we conserve forests, and the key to that is expert knowledge and science, Undersecretary of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Bonnie told thousands of attendees at the recent 24 th World Congress of the International...

Conservation Forestry

Soil and Climate Data Help Farmers Reduce Severe Weather Risks

October 02, 2014 Ron Francis, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Utah

Utah dairyman Dee Waldron watches the weather closely. He wants clear, up-to-date weather and climate information anytime and anywhere that help him make critical farming decisions, such as when to irrigate, plant and harvest. Waldron operates a dairy and feed grain farm in Morgan County, just east...


Mule Deer Habitat in Western United States Improves Based on Restoration Efforts with Partners

October 01, 2014 John Sinclair, National Wildlife Program, U.S. Forest Service

The mule deer on the Spanish Fork Ranger District, a part of the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest in Utah, are happy foragers these days thanks to a dedicated effort to improve their habitat and increase their numbers. Mule deer are primarily browsers, with a majority of their diet comprised of...


Painting Utah Agriculture by the Numbers

September 04, 2014 John Hilton, Utah State Statistician, National Agricultural Statistics Service

The Census of Agriculture is the most complete account of U.S. farms and ranches and the people who operate them. Every Thursday USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service will highlight new Census data and the power of the information to shape the future of American agriculture. Utah...


The Buzz about Bees

June 20, 2014 Sandy Miller Hays, USDA Agricultural Research Service Information Staff

There’s a lot of buzz right now about honey bees—their health and their future. The good news, where honey bees are concerned, is that there is good news. Just last month, the results of the annual winter bee loss survey were released, and losses of managed honey bee colonies from all causes were 23...

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