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USDA Programs Help Ease Transition to Farming, One Vet at a Time

November 10, 2015 Dr. Desiree Rucker, Program Specialist, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Systems

Located three miles east of Vale, South Dakota, on Cox Farms, Cox Sweet Corn is produced by veteran Kyle Cox, who left the Army after 12 years to return to the family farm. In 2013, Cox separated from the Army to begin his family’s future in agriculture. With 700 acres, the farm produces alfalfa...


UGA, Italy Develop Dual Graduate Degree Program

November 04, 2015 Scott Elliott, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

The world will have many more mouths to feed in the next few decades – projected to be more than 9 billion by 2050 – but the amount of arable land is not getting any larger, droughts are taking their toll on fresh water, and there are fewer experienced farmers to do the work. How will food get on...

Initiatives Conservation

There's Something Fishy Going on in Petersburg's Food Desert

October 26, 2015 Carlos J. Harris and Scott Elliott, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Money’s tight in Petersburg, Va., and sometimes it’s difficult to put nutritious food on the table. Like many other cities in America, Petersburg has found its way onto USDA’s list of food deserts – meaning that residents have limited access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food. Virginia State...

Conservation Food and Nutrition

STEM Grows from SEEDS at San Diego College

October 13, 2015 Scott Elliott, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. Educators at Mesa College, in San Diego, Calif., are developing future leaders in agricultural sciences and related fields...

Research and Science

Land-Grant Universities Make NFL Natural Turf Grass Better and Safer

October 08, 2015 Alexandra Wilson, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Grass is a big deal in football – a really big deal. Nearly every day of the week, untold millions of people watch players step out onto lush, green fields painted with white. All aspects of the game are tough. Even growing and maintaining a real turf grass field has its challenges, like freezing...

Research and Science

Prepare to Expect the Unexpected

September 15, 2015 Judy Rude, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

It’s hurricane season again. It’s hard to believe that it was just 10 years ago when Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans and a large portion of the Gulf Coast with floods, power outages, food and water shortages, as well as many other after effects. September is National Preparedness Month...


Mixed Crop-Livestock Systems: Changing the Landscape of Organic Farming in the Palouse Region

September 02, 2015 Kelly Flynn, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Grazing livestock may soon be a common sight in the Palouse region of southeastern Washington, usually known for its rolling hills and grain production. Jonathan Wachter, a soil science doctoral student at Washington State University, has been working with a local farm to improve the competitiveness...


University of Kentucky Collaboration Empowers Louisville's Homeless Youth

August 31, 2015 Kelly Flynn, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that every year more than 1.7 million teens experience homelessness in the United States. According to the Coalition for the Homeless, Louisville, Kentucky, had 555 young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 stay in homeless shelters over the past year. When...


Reaching and Educating Minority Teen Mothers Online with eBaby4U

August 21, 2015 Amanda M. Hils, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Mothers want what is best for their children, no matter the age of the mother and child. But what happens when teenage or socially disadvantaged mothers do not have the life experience or access to education to make the most informed decision? eBaby4U, a digital program run through Mississippi State...


Improving the Safety of Leafy Greens

August 13, 2015 Kelly Flynn, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Food safety is a top priority for consumers, especially when it comes to the leafy greens in salads. Researchers at the University of Arizona have discovered natural methods to sanitize these vegetables using ingredients commonly found in the kitchen, such as oregano, cinnamon, and vinegar. Plant...

Health and Safety Animals Plants Research and Science
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