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World Health Organization

Safe Food Now for a Healthy Tomorrow

June 07, 2021 Jesus Garcia, Public Affairs Specialist, Food Safety Education Staff

No matter the language, World Food Safety Day aims to inspire action across the globe to prevent, detect, and manage foodborne risks.

Health and Safety

Second Morrill Act Redux: America's 1890s Land Grant Universities Academic Excellence

July 15, 2015 Sonny Ramaswamy, Director, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Booker T. Washington. George Washington Carver. Educators par excellence. Pioneers in food and agricultural scientific research. Dedicated their lives to helping "lift the veil of ignorance" by bringing knowledge to African-Americans and others with limited resources. For 125 years, since passage of...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition Animals Plants Technology

USDA and the World Health Organization Highlight Food Safety this World Health Day

April 07, 2015 Al Almanza, Deputy Under Secretary for Food Safety

Everyone involved in the farm to table continuum has an interest in making our food safe to eat. Because safe food is important to consumers around the world, the World Health Organization (WHO) has picked Food Safety as the theme of World Health Day 2015. Today, April 7 th, as we observe World...

Health and Safety
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