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Dale Nolte

Unleashing a New Tool to Stop an Unexpected Invader

July 07, 2017 Jeanine Neskey, APHIS Feral Swine Program, and Pam Manns, APHIS Public Affairs

The National Feral Swine Damage Management Program, within the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s Wildlife Services (WS) program, has unleashed detector dogs as a new tool to help stop the spread of feral swine, one of the United States’ most destructive and ravenous invasive...


We Can't Barbecue Our Way Out: Why Feral Swine Management Requires a National Approach

April 04, 2014 Gail Keirn, USDA APHIS Public Affairs Specialist

Wild boar, razorback, feral hog, wild pig — these are just some of the names we attribute to one of the most destructive and formidable invasive species in the United States. Feral swine adapt to just about any habitat, have few natural enemies, and reproduce at high rates. As such, their population...

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