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Conservation as a Source of Innovative Partnerships for All

July 08, 2014 Agriculture Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden

This summer, USDA is highlighting partnerships to invest in the future of rural America. Our partners work with us year after year to leverage resources and grow economic opportunities. They are the key to ensuring our rural communities thrive. Follow more of our stories at #RuralPartners. My...


Deputy Under Secretary Meets California Producers to Discuss Drought Resilience Measures

July 08, 2014 Ann Mills, Deputy Under Secretary, Natural Resources and Environment

Recently I traveled to California to meet with farmers who are coping with the state’s historic drought. This was my second trip to the Golden State in recent months to see first-hand how USDA’s disaster assistance and conservation programs are helping producers and rural communities, and to...


For American Chestnut Trees, People Help in the Art of Pollination

June 24, 2014 T.K. Yelton, NRCS

Nature has transformers! With time and the help of bees, butterflies, birds and other critters, some flowers change into seeds. Sometimes, flowers in trees transform into nuts. But sometimes these transformers need help. That’s where a Conservation Innovation Grant from USDA’s Natural Resources...


Conservation and Innovation Preserve Water Resources for Generations to Come

May 29, 2014 Charles Parrott, Agricultural Marketing Service Fruit and Vegetable Program Deputy Administrator

Farmers have always been particularly attuned to the forces of nature – it’s in the job description, after all. When the regularity of growing seasons collides with the irregularity of extreme conditions like droughts, floods, windstorms, the American farming community is motivated to innovate and...


USDA's Innovative Technology Streamlines Federal Food Purchasing Logistics

May 09, 2014 Sean Britto, Web-Based Supply Chain Management System Project Manager

Logistics is not just a fancy buzz word; it is the oil that keeps the engine of an interconnected global market running smoothly. For U.S. food purchasing agencies, logistics means ordering, procuring, and delivering nearly 8.5 billion pounds of domestically-produced foods by successfully awarding...

Food and Nutrition

Strategic Planning, Thoughtful Leadership Bring Leveraged Investments, Community Vitality to Small-Town West Virginia

May 09, 2014 Patrice H. Kunesh, Deputy Under Secretary for Rural Development

I’d been told the neighboring towns of Ranson and Charles Town, West Virginia, are vibrant communities where people want to live, work and raise a family. During a recent visit with local leaders and USDA’s community economic development partners in the area, I saw first-hand how regional approaches...


Getting Geeky at the 3rd Annual USA Science and Engineering Festival

May 06, 2014 Tawny Mata, USDA Office of the Chief Scientist

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. When you think of agriculture do you think of science and engineering? You should! Farmers are some of our original...

Animals Plants Research and Science

Our Changing Climate - Third National Climate Assessment Released

May 06, 2014 William Hohenstein, Director of the USDA Climate Change Program Office

The Third National Climate Assessment Release (NCA) report was released today. The report was written by 240 authors who worked in author teams reflecting their expertise, who also selected additional contributing authors, including several scientists and experts from USDA. The report is similar in...

Energy Conservation Forestry

USDA Grants Assist Small Farmers Who are Making a Big Impact in Agriculture

April 30, 2014 Jennifer Martin, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Farming and ranching is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Agriculture in the United States is a mixing bowl of diversity, and it’s most evident when comparing large- and small-scale farming operations. Having grown up on a small, family farm in Iowa, I saw first-hand not only how important our small...


APHIS Geneticist Finds New Way to Track Invasive Pythons

April 30, 2014 Gail Keirn, USDA APHIS Public Affairs Specialist

How do you find something that doesn’t want to be found - something that has evolved to be cryptic, elusive, and stealthy? That is the question asked of APHIS geneticist Dr. Antoinette Piaggio. She and others at the National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) - the research arm of the APHIS Wildlife...

Animals Plants
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