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School Gardens

USDA Announcement of CACFP Training Grants Kicks Off FNCS Visits to Farm to School Program and WIC Clinic in San Antonio

April 27, 2018 Leslie Lankster, Southwest Region Public Affairs Director, Food and Nutrition Service

Last week, USDA Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services (FNCS), Brandon Lipps, made a whirlwind trip to San Antonio, Texas, to serve as the keynote speaker at the National Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) National Child Nutrition Conference and visit local...

Food and Nutrition

Five Reasons Why You Should Celebrate Farm to School Month

October 11, 2017 Erin Healy, Director, Office of Community Food Systems, Food and Nutrition Service

October is a busy month for both our nation’s farms and our nation’s schools. Farmers are harvesting everything from apples to pumpkins, while schools are celebrating Farm to School Month by raising awareness of the connection with fresh, healthy food and local food producers.

Food and Nutrition

Students Helping to Shape School Lunches

October 03, 2017 Alicia White, MS, RD, Child Nutrition Programs, Food and Nutrition Service

What’s new with school lunch this year? In several school districts across the nation, this question is being answered by students themselves. Collaborations between school staff and students have resulted in school cafeterias that provide a welcoming environment for eating together, while offering...

Food and Nutrition

Farm to School Grows with USDA Grants

June 15, 2017 Erin Healy, Director of the Office of Community Food Systems, Food and Nutrition Service

Omar, the school garden club coordinator, instructs a group of seventh grade students to “pick an adult” and leads them to the greenhouse. The bright blue sky and expansive mountain range set a dramatic backdrop for the six raised beds and two greenhouses. Mona, a precocious 12 year-old student at...

Food and Nutrition

Getting a School Garden Blooming

December 28, 2016 LaShonda Walker, Public Affairs Specialist, Food and Nutrition Service Southwest Region

School gardens are gaining popularity across the country. In Texas, nearly 3,000 schools participate in farm to school activities. Some of these schools work with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension’s Learn, Grow, Eat, and Go program. Jeff Raska, a school garden specialist with the AgriLife Extension...

Food and Nutrition

Grants, Gardens and Green Beans: Charlottesville's Growing Farm to School Program

November 29, 2016 Tegan Hagy, Farm to School Regional Lead, Mid-Atlantic Regional Office, Food and Nutrition Service

In celebration of Virginia Farm to School Week, I recently visited Charlottesville Public Schools to learn about the district’s garden and Harvest of the Month efforts. Here’s a snapshot of what I observed that day. We push a cart piled high with plates of green beans down the hallway stopping at...

Food and Nutrition

Food Hub, Food Truck and Food Education: Northern Colorado School District Takes Farm to School to the Next Level

November 18, 2016 Andrea Northup, USDA Farm to School Regional Lead for the Mountain Plains Region and Helen Dombalis, Programs Director and Interim Policy Director for the National Farm to School Network

A bin of acorn squash sits on a pallet at the Weld County School District 6 central kitchen, right next to a bin of yellow onions and a 1,000 pound tote of russet potatoes – all locally-grown. A walk through the facility is enough to convince anyone that Weld County School District 6 is committed to...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition

Colorado Proud School Meal Day Features Local Yak, Peaches, Potatoes and More!

October 24, 2016 Andrea Northup, Farm to School Regional Lead, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Mountain Plains Regional Office and Anjali Budhiraja, Public Affairs Specialist, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Mountain Plains Regional Office

From locally-raised yak burgers to school garden-grown zucchini, Colorado schools kicked off the school year with farm to school gusto! On September 14, an estimated 550 schools reaching 160,700 students celebrated Colorado Proud School Meal Day by featuring fresh, locally-grown food in their school...

Food and Nutrition

State Agencies are Bringing the Farm to School!

October 17, 2016 Lauryn Hong, Office of Community Food Systems, Food and Nutrition Service

From organizing statewide conferences, to training farmers and child nutrition professionals, to developing farm to school curricula and resources, state agencies are playing a big role in bringing the farm to school. This fact sheet describes effective strategies state agencies are using to help...

Food and Nutrition

National Farm to School Month Highlights Benefits to America's Students and Communities

October 03, 2016 Deborah Kane, Director, Office of Community Food Systems, Food and Nutrition Service

It’s National Farm to School Month and USDA’s Office of Community Food Systems is here to help…and not just in October! All year long, we offer research, grants, training and technical assistance to help connect child nutrition programs with local foods. Here’s why. Farm to school helps form healthy...

Food and Nutrition
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