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#Newfarmers: Please Join me at the Table

February 25, 2014 Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden

Coming from a farming family in Georgia, I know firsthand the risks farmers take each and every day. The work is hard, the margins are slim and Mother Nature can be fickle. The questions that my family is asking about what happens to our farm in the future are questions that are shared by farmers...

Conservation Technology

An Airport is No Place for an Owl

February 24, 2014 Bobby Hromack, Wildlife Biologist, APHIS Wildlife Services at Pittsburgh International Airport

Seeing a short-eared owl in November on the Pittsburgh International Airport, where I work as an airport wildlife biologist, was a unique occasion. However, as the number of owls grew to eight, I recognized the challenge ahead: Like all birds of prey, short-eared owls are a recognized potential...

Animals Plants

Join us for a Google+ Hangout: The Changing Face of Agriculture with Deputy Secretary Harden

February 19, 2014 Rachael Dubinsky, USDA Office of Communications

This week at Ag Outlook, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Krysta Harden will host a discussion on the challenges and opportunities facing women in agriculture. Women represent part of a diverse population that has a growing interest in the future of agriculture, but young people, veterans, socially...

Conservation Initiatives

Illinois Dairy Farm's Waste Storage Gets a Makeover with USDA's Help

February 18, 2014 Pattie Thomas, Natural Resources Conservation Service

A dairy cow can produce up to 140 pounds of manure in a day. So for James “Jim” Johnson, who owns 150 dairy cows on his Boone County, Ill. ranch, that means 7.7 million pounds of manure per year. Where does this manure go? On many ranches, manure is stored and filtrated in a waste lagoon. But after...


Strengthening the Modern Farm Safety Net for Specialty Crop Growers

February 10, 2014 Brandon C. Willis, Risk Management Agency Administrator

As consumer demand for fresh fruit and vegetables increases, so do the production risks for the nation’s farmers as they grow these crops. To meet this challenge, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) pays close attention to the changing agriculture sector to ensure that crop insurance is made available...

Food and Nutrition

New Naturalist Program Aims to Bring Southern Illinois Kids Outdoors

January 31, 2014 Amanda Patrick, Shawnee National Forest, U.S. Forest Service

With declining budgets in the public school system, there has been a steady decrease in school fieldtrips in recent years. This plight further widens the disconnect between children and nature. To help bridge the gap between the schoolroom and the natural world, the Shawnee National Forest will...


From Small Potatoes to 36,000 Pounds of Carrots: Farm to School Grows

January 27, 2014 Alan Shannon, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Midwest Region

In the past few years I’ve seen an increasing number of news stories about successful farm to school programs. As reflected in the first USDA Farm to School Census, farm to school programs are thriving from Alaska to Florida and in every state between. I attended a recent event that demonstrates...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Cooking Up Change Competition Kicks Off in Chicago

January 22, 2014 Tim English, Regional Administrator, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Midwest Region

This November I served as a judge in the 2013-14 kick off Cooking Up Change competition here in Chicago. What is “Cooking Up Change”? It’s a culinary competition sponsored by the Healthy Schools Campaign that challenges Chicago Public Schools (CPS) students and others across the U.S to create and...

Food and Nutrition

U.S. Forest Service to Mark 50th Anniversary of Wilderness Act

January 16, 2014 Tiffany Holloway, Office of Communication, U.S. Forest Service

Editor’s Note: Throughout the year, we will highlight Forest Service wilderness areas in celebration of the 50 th anniversary of the signing of the Wilderness Act of 1964. It’s pretty amazing that you can be in the busy college town of Carbondale, Ill., one minute, then roughly an hour’s ride away...


Kitty Litter: Potential New Use for Spent Corn Grains

December 17, 2013 Sean Adams, Agricultural Research Service

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA's rich science and research portfolio. Sometimes, the results of USDA science show up in the most unlikely places—maybe even in your cat’s litter box. USDA...

Conservation Research and Science
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