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President's Council on Fitness

Reach Your Goals: Start with a Healthy Breakfast

August 29, 2013 Dominique Dawes, PCFSN Co-Chair and Three-time Olympic Gymnast

At a very early age, I learned about the value of healthy eating. By the time I was 11 years old and training daily as a gymnast, I knew that eating right would help me achieve my goals. The goals I had for health, athletics, and academic performance were all tied to eating nutritious foods, and...

Food and Nutrition

Fuel for Success: My Sports Plate

October 01, 2012 Kevin Concannon, Under Secretary for USDA Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services & Allyson Felix, U.S. Track and Field Olympian & Member of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition

The new nutrition standards established by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act at the US Department of Agriculture represent an important step in America’s fight against childhood obesity and will help promote healthy eating habits for youth in our nation’s schools. These standards promote a balanced...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition
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