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Under Pressure at the Forest Products Lab

March 30, 2012 James T. Spartz, US Forest Service

The largest wood beams ever tested are being studied at the US Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) in Madison, Wis. If you’ve ever wondered what 80,000 pounds of load looks or sounds like when applied to a 72-foot-long, 3-ton wood beam, now’s your chance. Bam! View this short video to...


NCAA Final Four Basketball Court Comes from American Indian Reservation

March 29, 2012 Deidra L. McGee, Forest Service Office of Communication

It’s time for the NCAA Men’s Final Four --- and all eyes are usually glued to the action on the court. But this year special attention is being paid to the actual court itself. This ‘Court of Champions’ comes from the Menominee Forest and Menominee Tribal Enterprises in Wisconsin. It all began with...


Defying Expectations, Fighting Challenges and Fighting Fires

March 27, 2012 Renee Lee, U.S. Forest Service Office of Communication

When she was in high school, Bequi Livingston read a book about firefighting and was quickly intrigued. Little did she know that she would one day become one of the U.S. Forest Service’s pioneer women in wildland firefighting and fight fires for nearly 20 years. After graduating from college, an...


Learn How to Play Smart Against Spreading Invasive Species

March 26, 2012 Mike Ielmini, National Invasive Species Program Manager, National Forest System, Washington, D.C.

As spring awakens across the country, outdoor recreation enthusiasts are beginning to look again for opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. America’s spectacular national forests and national grasslands provide some of the greatest opportunities for outdoor recreation in the world. But these...


D.C. Chef Helps Cultivate Good Nutrition Through Partnership with GreenSchools!, U.S. Forest Service

March 26, 2012 Vicki Arthur and Tamberly Conway, U.S. Forest Service, Conservation Education

Mark Haskell has perfected the school garden recipe: a green thumb, a passion for home-grown food, culinary expertise and partnerships with GreenSchools! and the U.S. Forest Service to whip up the excitement of urban school children connecting their garden to the food they eat.

Forestry Initiatives

Moroccan Delegation Visits the National Forests in Florida

March 23, 2012 Susan Blake, Region 8, National Forests In Florida

Fire experts from the Ocala National Forest and instructors from the Prescribed Fire Training Center in Tallahassee, Fla., recently hosted a delegation of natural resource specialists from the Moroccan Government. The three-day long program in Florida focused on fire management techniques and...


Forest Service Information Center in Washington, DC to Reach its 250,000 Visitor This Spring Season

March 21, 2012 Deidra L. McGee, Forest Service Office of Communication

Many tourists in the nation’s capital have stumbled into the historical Sidney R. Yates Federal Building which houses the Forest Service national headquarters by mistake --- they were looking for the Holocaust Museum or the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which is just down the street. But once...


A Treasured Landscape in Oregon Becomes a Work of Art

March 19, 2012 Maret Pajutee, Ecologist, Sisters Ranger District, U.S. Forest Service

To date, the Tale of Two Rivers conservation campaign has generated an original microbrew, an annual cycling event, a paint-a-thon and a movie screening. Now up: a modern quilting bee.


U.S. Forest Service Women: Opportunities are Endless

March 16, 2012 Renee Lee, U.S. Forest Service Office of Communication

When the U.S. Forest Service was established in 1905, the common belief was that only men were physically and mentally capable of working outdoors for the agency. In the early 20th century, women were limited primarily to roles as administrative clerks. But in 1913, Hallie M. Daggett was hired as...


Future Forest Service Leaders Learn About Agency History

March 14, 2012 Renee Lee, U.S. Forest Service Office of Communication

Imagine men mounted on horses, armed with rifles and sidearms, patrolling millions of acres of public land. These men were typical U.S. Forest Service rangers over a century ago. This is how the Forest Service first approached forest management. Forest Service historian Dr. Lincoln Bramwell recently...

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