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Birds, Butterflies, Dragonflies and Bats

April 21, 2015 Karin Theophile, U.S. Forest Service

When it comes to the U.S. Forest Service, it’s not always about trees. Sometimes it’s all about the birds, the dragonflies and the butterflies. Oh, and the bats. At least, that’s what it was all about during a ceremony last month recognizing some great contributions from U.S. Forest Service and...


Smart Federal Partnerships Build Our Biofuels Future

April 21, 2015 Kate Lewis, USDA

Here at USDA, we believe collaboration is the key to helping us address our nation's most pressing needs, like energy. Building on partnerships in both the public and private sphere, we are leveraging resources to achieve and impact far greater than USDA could ever achieve alone. During this year’s...


Historic Handwoven Rug Lays Path for US Forest Service Employee to her Shinaali

April 20, 2015 Kathryn Sosbe, Office of Tribal Relations, U.S. Forest Service

Nanebah Nez turned to a roomful of U.S. Department of the Interior employees and asked quietly for a moment to herself. When the group of curators left, Nez turned her attention to an 80-year-old piece of her ancestral past and quietly began her private prayer in Navajo, “Yáat’eeh Shinaali,” or...


The Forest Legacy Program: 25 Years of Keeping Working Forests Working

April 17, 2015 Scott Stewart, Forest Legacy Program Manager, U.S. Forest Service

Two million four hundred seventy thousand acres -- equivalent in size to two Delawares -- are protected through the Forest Legacy Program, which is celebrating its 25 th anniversary this year. Enacted through the 1990 Farm Bill’s Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act, this voluntary program has proved...


Deer Sign of the Times: Pellet Surveys Reveal Whitetail Abundance

April 14, 2015 Joshua Hanson, Allegheny National Forest, and Alex Royo, Research Ecologist, Northern Research Station

It’s a cool 37 degrees Fahrenheit as Alex Royo and I step out of the Forest Service truck and on to the muddy forest road. With the meteorologist calling for sun and a high of 66 degrees by lunchtime, I am already faced with the day’s toughest decision – do I keep my warm jacket on or leave it in...


Do You Know the Biosecurity Steps to Protect Your Poultry from Avian Influenza? Get Advice From the Experts with #chickenchat2015 on April 16

April 14, 2015 Joelle R. Hayden, Public Affairs Specialist, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Since December 2014, USDA has confirmed several cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5 in the Pacific, Central, and Mississippi flyways (or migratory bird paths). The disease has been found in wild birds, as well as in a few backyard and commercial poultry flocks. The Centers for...

Animals Plants

In the Wake of the Rim Fire, What Comes Next? A Story of Recovery, Restoration and Reforestation

April 13, 2015 Gregg Goodland, U.S. Forest Service

Like a phoenix rising from ashes, blackened portions of the Stanislaus National Forest, which were left by the Rim Fire that blazed through the Sierras in August of 2013, have begun to spring to life. Left with a burn scar that is one-third larger than New York City, a reforestation team is...


Latino Youth Conservation Leaders, Forest Service Leaders Share Blissful Experience of Transformational Conservation Successes

April 06, 2015 Jane Knowlton, U.S. Forest Service

(Editor’s note: Luis Cruz is a youth conservation leader with Latino Legacy and PLT GreenSchools!, part of the Houston East End Greenbelt project. These projects are part of an eight-year partnership with the U.S. Forest Service Friends of the National Forests and Grasslands of Texas-Latino Legacy...


#GimmeFive Ways to Boost Your Garden and Keep Pollinators Buzzing

April 06, 2015 Annie Ceccarini, The People’s Garden Initiative and USDA Farmers Market

The USDA’s People’s Garden team is joining the fun at the White House Easter Egg Roll today to introduce the crowds to some very important garden workers – pollinators. Bees, butterflies, bats, birds, and beetles are all crucial to sustaining plant growth, and in fact nearly two-thirds of the foods...


A New Interactive Education Module on Climate Change Effects on Forests and Grasslands

April 03, 2015 Dr. Chris Swanston, Director, Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, Hub Lead, Northern Forest Sub Hub

The Climate Change Resource Center (CCRC) has recently released a new education resource on climate change effects on forests and grasslands. The CCRC is an online, nationally-relevant resource that connects land managers and decision-makers with useable science to address climate change in planning...

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