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Incident Command System

How the Forest Service Helped Shape our Nation’s Disaster Preparedness Framework

September 11, 2017 Kerry Greene, Fire and Aviation Management, U.S. Forest Service

In 2001, Forest Service Incident Management Teams and crews responded to the terrorist attacks of September 11th with a well-coordinated response of multiple local, state, and federal emergency personnel. Our response to this national crisis highlighted the critical role of incident management...


USDA Forest Service response to the Pentagon on 9/11 –The Leader’s View

May 22, 2012 Stephen Gage, USDA Forest Service Incident Commander

The USDA Forest Service, along with our Federal, state and local partners operate the largest wildland fire management program in the world. To help manage these wildland fires the partners have created interagency incident management teams. These teams have responded to many incidents including...

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