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Secretary's Column: Strengthening Homegrown Energy

October 19, 2012 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

As the drought continues today, USDA and other Federal agencies are doing all we can to help farmers, ranchers and communities who have been impacted. Unfortunately, our tools are limited. Due to inaction by Congress, many parts of the 2008 Farm Bill expired October 1, and other aspects of the law...


USDA Funded Digester Reduces Pollution, Powers 1,500 Michigan Homes

October 12, 2012 Alec Lloyd, USDA Michigan Public Information Officer

USDA Rural Development Michigan State Director James Turner joined Senator Debbie Stabenow and local officials this summer in celebrating the opening of the largest commercial-scale anaerobic digester in the United States. The Fremont Community Digester is an ambitious new use of a proven technology...


The U.S. Forest Service Partners with a Montana Hospital on a Renewable Fuels Project

October 04, 2012 Susan Carter, Office of Communications, USDA

Mineral Community Hospital in Superior, Montana received an $190,000 Woody Biomass Utilization Grant from the U.S. Forest Service. The new Mineral Hospital Biomass Generator will use woody material such as beetle-killed trees removed from forests to help prevent wildfires. The material will then be...


USDA Rural Development Energy Funds Help a Puerto Rican Paint Manufacturer run on 100 percent Solar Power

September 25, 2012 Miguel A. Ramírez, USDA Public Affairs Coordinator

On September 13, Master Paints & Chemical Corporation located in the Municipality of Guayanila, Puerto Rico realized their goal when they became independent of the use of fossil fuel sources energy. Master Paint & Chemical Corp is a local rural paint manufacturer that employs 260 people. This...

Energy Rural

New Forest Service Facility in California uses No Electricity from the Utility Grid

September 18, 2012 Keith Riggs, Office of Communication, US Forest Service

About 25 miles east of Los Angeles, the Forest Service’s San Dimas Technology Development Center is ready to start operations using a photovoltaic array to supply the buildings there with a potential 600,000 kilowatt hours of current each year. “This system has made the San Dimas Center a ‘net-zero...

Energy Forestry

Forest Service Funds Urban Tree Projects in California

August 24, 2012 Roxane Scales and John Heil, U.S. Forest Service Region 5

Urban forests are a vital part of our nation’s cities – they clean the air we breathe, capture pollution and stormwater and beautify our neighborhoods. Urban trees save cities millions of dollars in energy costs every year just from shade alone. U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell has called urban...

Initiatives Forestry

USDA Official Tours Missouri School Garden Project

August 23, 2012 Janie Dunning, USDA Rural Development Missouri State Director

Acting Deputy Undersecretary for Rural Development Judith Canales recently had the opportunity to visit Missouri’s new Barack Obama Elementary School located in a suburb of St. Louis. The school district has started the Barack Obama Elementary Healthy Food Pilot Project where the objective is to...

Energy Rural Initiatives

USDA Undersecretary Saddles up for Clean Energy, Business and Economic Development in Nevada

August 22, 2012 Kelly Clark, USDA Nevada Public Information Officer

With Nevada USDA Rural Development State Director Sarah Adler as his side-kick, Agriculture Under Secretary Dallas Tonsager hit the trail earlier this month in Nevada, kicking off a major job-creating clean energy announcement, meeting with business owners and talking to ranchers severely challenged...


Secretary Meets with Energy and Rural Development Officials During a Nebraska Swing

August 15, 2012 Deputy Press Secretary Stephanie Chan

Late last week, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack went to Omaha, Nebraska to discuss the President’s “All of the above” energy strategy, and meet with wind energy and rural development officials. Speaking to members of the American Coalition for Ethanol, he said that while the drought is severe and...

Energy Rural

The Great Green Fleet Makes History!

August 15, 2012 Diane Ley, State Executive Director, Hawaii State & Pacific Basin, Farm Service Agency

WOW! The word “wow” only moderately conveys the historic events that unfolded this summer during the Department of Navy’s Rim of the Pacific Exercises (RIMPAC) Great Green Fleet (GGF) demonstration. The might and power of the United States Navy coupled with that of scores of other Pacific Rim...

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