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USDA, Partners, Leading the Way to a Clean Energy Economy

June 21, 2010 Dr. Harry Baumes, Office of Energy Policy, Office of the Chief Economist

There is an excitement at USDA with respect to bioenergy and biofuels and much is going on – a BIOFRENZY if you will – not in a sense of chaos – but rather many challenges and much to do. The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2) provisions of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 will be...

Energy Forestry

Demand Rising for Agricultural College Graduates

June 07, 2010

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA's rich science and research portfolio. By Greg Smith, National Program Leader, USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Initiatives Research and Science

From REA to RUS-75 Years of Lighting the Way for Rural America

May 06, 2010

By Jonathan Adelstein, Administrator-USDA Rural Utilities Service If you lived in a rural area 75 years ago, you probably didn’t have electricity. Water for livestock, cooking, cleaning and bathing had to be hand pumped from a well. Farmers risked milk spoilage in the summer, and people often got...

Energy Rural

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Announces Selection of a Pellet Plant Project to Bring New Jobs to Northern Vermont Funded with Recovery Act Support

February 16, 2010

At a Town Hall meeting in Burlington, Vermont, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the selection of Vermont Renewable Energy Company for a USDA Rural Development Business and Industry Loan Guarantee for a $10 million loan given by Community National Bank. The funds will be used to provide essential...


Hundreds Share Ideas on Jobs and Economic Development With USDA in California

February 01, 2010

It is difficult for most people to comprehend the distances and diversity we face here in California. For example: the distance from Smith River, in the Northwest corner of California, to Winterhaven, in the Southeast corner, is the same distance as it is from Chicago to Washington, D.C.

USDA Results Rural

Merrigan Meets Joins Leaders for Clean Energy Economy Forum

December 10, 2009 acampbell

Earlier this week I participated in an Obama Administration Clean Energy Economy Forum in Arlington, Virginia with U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, Assistant Secretary of Energy for Energy Efficiency and Renewables Cathy Zoi, Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, U.S. Representative Gerry Connolly...


USDA Team Receives A Presidential Award for Leadership in Federal Energy Management

December 10, 2009

As you walk through the facilities at headquarters in Washington and in the field, it quickly becomes apparent that a new attitude has taken hold at USDA: A drive to use energy more efficiently. These efforts were noted by President Obama and the White House Council on Environmental Quality recently...


These turkeys fill your belly and keep the lights on, too

November 25, 2009

Sietsma Farms in central Michigan sends more than a million turkeys a year to the dinner table. That’s a lot of Thanksgiving feasts.


USDA launches National Institute of Food and Agriculture and a New Era in Agricultural Science

October 08, 2009

Today we are formally launching a new enterprise in USDA science, a National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). NIFA will be a real agent of transformation in how we do science at USDA, not just in this new agency, but across the board. As I reflect on this pivotal moment for USDA science, I...

Food and Nutrition Research and Science
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