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Food Distribution

Let's Move Into the Kitchen and See What's Cooking

February 04, 2015 Shelley Maniscalco, MPH, RD, Director, Office of Nutrition Marketing and Communications, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

This is the first installment of the What’s Cooking? Blog Series . In honor of the Let’s Move 5 th Anniversary, and the commitment USDA shares with Let’s Move to promote healthy eating and access to healthy foods, this month-long series will high­­light the various features of the What’s Cooking...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

USDA Foods Hatches New Chicken Product for Schools

January 21, 2015 Lindsay Walle, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Food Distribution Division

School lunches have evolved since many of our childhood days to keep pace with new dietary guidelines and school meal patterns, but one food has been an enduring component: chicken. The popular protein graces the center of the plate in a variety of forms and flavors, and the new USDA Foods...

Food and Nutrition

Green Thumbs near Green Bay: Menominee Tribe Cultivates Nutrition Education

December 05, 2014 Lindsay Walle, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Food Distribution Division

Cooking knowledge, proper planning, and access to healthy foods are essential ingredients to healthy diets. I witnessed this firsthand when I traveled to the food distribution center of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, one of the 20 Indian Tribal Organizations that received funding in 2014...

Food and Nutrition

Reap What You Sow: Choctaw Children Learn about Gardening and Cooking

September 03, 2014 Lindsay Walle, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Food Distribution Division

“How many of you like vegetables?” The question posed to a gathering of Choctaw children in a garden in rural Mississippi elicits skeptical responses. But upon sampling the fresh produce harvested with their own hands, however, the children’s stereotypes of disgust turn to surprises of delight. A...

Food and Nutrition

On the Road to Success for Local and Regional Food

July 21, 2014 Arthur Neal, Deputy Administrator, AMS Transportation & Marketing Program

Rivers, roads and rails—the shortest distance between two points is not always a straight line. Finding the best path forward can be difficult as city traffic gets worse each year, frustrating commuters and thwarting deliveries. Also in the transportation mix are farmers traveling the same roads...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Oh the Meals You Can Make With USDA Foods and Some Creativity

July 18, 2013 Dave Tuckwiller, AMS Commodity Procurement Program Director

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” These words, spoken by Albert Einstein, can hold true for anything. USDA’s Commodity Procurement Program enjoys seeing schools and other organizations develop creative, healthy meals featuring foods we purchase for federal feeding programs. We hope that...

Food and Nutrition

The Best Food Distribution Models for Small and Mid-Sized Farmers

March 16, 2012 Adam Diamond, Agricultural Marketing Specialist, and James Barham, Economist, AMS Transportation and Marketing Program

Small and mid-size farmers are the backbone of farmers markets, but they often face particular obstacles when trying to sell products in markets like grocery stores, restaurants, hospitals, and schools. Through the Transportation and Marketing program at USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)...

Food and Nutrition Farming
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