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KYF2 Compass

Behind the Scenes of the Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food Initiative: Jill Auburn

June 10, 2015 Elanor Starmer, Senior Advisor to the Secretary on Local and Regional Food Systems

This month, the Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food initiative (KYF2) celebrates an important milestone: the sixth anniversary of the first convening of the KYF2 Task Force. Since 2009, the Task Force, a dedicated team of experts from across the Department, has been hard at work in support of USDA’s...

Food and Nutrition Farming

From Tomatoes to Yarn: Value Added Producer Grants Help Agriculture Entrepreneurs Get Ahead

June 05, 2015 Katharine Ferguson, Chief of Staff, Rural Development

“When you are a small farm, you don’t have a lot of capital.” says Julie Donnelly of Deepwoods Farm, a small tomato farm she runs with her husband in Bradley County, Arkansas. Despite being in an area known for its tomatoes, Deepwoods Farms was having a hard time getting ahead. “We couldn’t get past...

Food and Nutrition Farming Rural

Partnering for a Strong Rural Economy is a USDA Specialty

October 03, 2014 Anne L. Alonzo, Agricultural Marketing Service Administrator

A strong rural economy benefits the whole nation. Sales of specialty crops – which include everything from fruits and vegetables to tree nuts, cut flowers and nursery crops – total nearly $65 billion per year. The success of specialty crop farmers and businesses creates opportunities for new jobs...


Farmers Market Managers: Update or Add Your Listing to the National Directory

April 04, 2014 Arthur Neal, Deputy Administrator, AMS Transportation and Marketing Program

Located in Virginia’s horse country, just an hour outside of Washington, DC, is the historic town of Middleburg. Deeply embedded in the town’s roots is a vibrant agricultural sector that is the driving force behind this small community’s success. Each Saturday morning from the spring through the...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Acting Local, Growing Global for Good Food

March 27, 2014 Anne L. Alonzo, Agricultural Marketing Service Administrator

For over a century, my hometown of Chicago has been a cultural, financial, and agricultural hub. And as a hub, it has a long history of supporting innovation and opportunity. From the first cattle drives came the great Chicago Stockyards that supplied meat to the nation. From the early trading of...

Food and Nutrition Farming Trade

Opportunities for Local Foods Expanding In Iowa

March 06, 2014 Bill Menner, USDA Rural Development State Director, Iowa

All across the country local and regional food systems provide a wealth of opportunities for rural residents. They provide opportunities for farmers, ranchers, and producers to meet growing customer demand for local foods. Local food entrepreneurs are starting to start small businesses like food...

Food and Nutrition Farming Rural

Report: Cultivated Fruit, Nut and Flower Acres on the Rise

January 23, 2014 Justin Fritscher, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Known to her neighbors in Clarke County, Miss. as the blueberry lady, Barbara Robinson has a vibrant 20-acre farm packed with blueberries, muscadines and other produce. Robinson is one of the nation’s many fruit growers, and a recent USDA report shows the land dedicated to growing cultivated fruits...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming

Beginning Farmer Seeks Greener Pastures, Sustainable Future

January 22, 2014 Diane Petit, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Massachusetts

When Sean Stanton started improving the pastures surrounding his small farm in Great Barrington, Mass., his efforts not only benefited the natural resources of this scenic southwest corner of Berkshire County but also diners at a Manhattan restaurant. That’s because he supplies the Blue Hill...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming

Local Food Leaders Take a Break to Hang Out

November 22, 2013 Elanor Starmer, National Coordinator and Advisor, Local and Regional Food Systems

What do Tristan Reader of Tohono O’odham Community Action (TOCA), Amy Bacigalupo of the Land Stewardship Project in Minnesota, Haile Johnston of Common Market in Philadelphia and Michael Todd’s environmental studies class at Ames High School in Ames, IA have in common? They’re all building...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Food Hubs - Building Businesses and Sustaining Communities

November 20, 2013 Arthur Neal, Deputy Administrator, AMS Transportation and Marketing Program

Food is a great equalizer. Whether sharing it with loved ones around our holiday table or worrying about how we’re going to fit lunch in to our busy work days--food is something we all have in common. But we don’t always think about the path it takes to get to our plates or even the store shelves...

Food and Nutrition Farming
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