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Soil and Climate Data Help Farmers Reduce Severe Weather Risks

October 02, 2014 Ron Francis, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Utah

Utah dairyman Dee Waldron watches the weather closely. He wants clear, up-to-date weather and climate information anytime and anywhere that help him make critical farming decisions, such as when to irrigate, plant and harvest. Waldron operates a dairy and feed grain farm in Morgan County, just east...


New Satellite Will Help USDA Provide More Information to Farmers

November 09, 2011 Ann Mills, Deputy Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment

Satellites orbiting the Earth help us in countless ways. For example, they allow the GPS in our smartphones to tell us where we are located and they help us watch football games on weekends. And now a new NASA satellite scheduled for launch in 2014—the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) instrument...

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