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Industry Insight

Connecting Farmers Markets to a New World of Opportunities

May 08, 2012 Debra Tropp, AMS Branch Chief, Farmers Markets and Direct Marketing

Spring is in the air and it’s time to gear up for the outdoor market season. People are looking for fresh fruits, veggies and other goodies from their local farmers markets, and with a couple clicks of the mouse, the USDA National Farmers Market Directory makes the search easy.

Food and Nutrition

The Best Food Distribution Models for Small and Mid-Sized Farmers

March 16, 2012 Adam Diamond, Agricultural Marketing Specialist, and James Barham, Economist, AMS Transportation and Marketing Program

Small and mid-size farmers are the backbone of farmers markets, but they often face particular obstacles when trying to sell products in markets like grocery stores, restaurants, hospitals, and schools. Through the Transportation and Marketing program at USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Create a New Market for Cotton? No Sweat.

March 14, 2012 Shethir Riva, AMS Cotton and Tobacco Programs Research and Promotion Branch Chief

As more and more Americans are working to become fit and healthy, one of the top athletic clothing companies – Under Armour – has been building a team to help improve its use of natural fibers. Relying on cutting edge research to provide products that wick away moisture, Under Armour products...

Research and Science

Expanded Tracking Provides Market Insight for Produce Industry

February 15, 2012 Terry Long, Director Market News Division, AMS Fruit and Vegetable Program

Over 13 billion pounds of fresh fruit and vegetables cross the U.S.-Mexican border each year. Having accurate tracking of the food being imported across our southern border is important for a variety of reasons—including the ability to accurately assess the market price of incoming goods and the...


GAP/GHP: Protecting and Serving Produce Farmers and Businesses

February 01, 2012 Bruce Summers, Associate Deputy Administrator, AMS Fruit and Vegetable Programs, Fresh Products Inspection Division

Food safety and the prevention of food borne illness is a priority across the food supply chain in the United States. With the development of better notification systems and increased consumer awareness of food safety, there is a need for greater accountability and for consistent standards and...

Health and Safety

International Market Analysis Just a Mouse Click Away

December 29, 2011 Michael Sheats, Director of the Poultry Market News and Analysis Division

U.S. broiler meat exports to Sub-Saharan Africa have increased 24 percent since 2010 and 460 percent since 2001. The U.S. is the largest supplier of China’s turkey meat imports, totaling nearly 90 percent of all imports. Turkey meat imports to China in 2011 will increase 70 percent over 2010.


Get the Inside Scoop on our Specialty Crop Block Grant Program

November 30, 2011 Christopher Purdy, Business Development, AMS Fruit and Vegetable Programs

As part of our continuing education efforts, the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is pleased to announce the next installment of our webinar series. This episode is designed for people interested in applying for grants offered through local state departments of agriculture for our...

Food and Nutrition

National Organic Program Reexamines Strategies

November 16, 2011 Miles McEvoy, Director of the National Organic Program

Positive brand recognition—having a brand the buyer can trust—is the cornerstone of marketing success. The same applies to USDA and, more specifically, the USDA organic seal. Since its origination in 2000, the green and white seal for certified organic products has become one of the world’s most...

Food and Nutrition

Location, Location, Location: Identifying Crucial Business Factors for Farmers Markets

November 04, 2011 Debra Tropp, Branch Chief, Farmers Market and Direct Marketing Research Branch, AMS

In business, location means everything. Not only do businesses need to understand where their customer base exists, but they also need to know where their competitors are. The same applies to farmers markets: they must understand their customers and competition to determine the potential for profit...

Food and Nutrition

New Technology Means Increased Consistency and Efficiency in Grading for Beef Industry

October 19, 2011 Craig Morris, AMS Deputy Administrator, Livestock and Seed Program

The USDA Choice and USDA Prime grade shields are highly regarded, both domestically and internationally, as symbols of high-quality American beef. Cattle producers and feeders increasingly rely on USDA grades to determine payments for their cattle—a vital link to supporting and sustaining rural...

Food and Nutrition Health and Safety
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