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Industry Insight

A Tale of a Fish from Two Countries

December 05, 2016 Craig A. Morris, Deputy Administrator of the AMS Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program

How can fish in a grocery store be labeled as both “Alaskan” and “Product of China” on the same package? The answer is that although much of the seafood sold in the United States is labeled with a foreign country of origin, some of that same seafood was actually caught in U.S. waters. Under the...


Market News Report Aims to Bring Transparency and Pricing Information to Tribes

November 16, 2016 Craig A. Morris, Deputy Administrator of the AMS Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program

According to the 2012 Census of Agriculture, there were 71,947 American Indian or Alaska Native farm operators in the United States in 2012, accounting for over $3.2 billion in market value of agricultural products sold. Tribal Nations were identified as one group that is an underserved segment of...

Initiatives Conservation

USDA Market News - As Diverse as the Agricultural Landscape

September 28, 2016 Craig A. Morris, Deputy Administrator of the AMS Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program

As the agricultural landscape evolves to meet consumer demand, USDA Market News works to ensure that emerging sectors have the unbiased, reliable data they need to succeed in the marketplace. USDA Market News – administered by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) – provides data that serves...

USDA Results

Working with Livestock Industry to Provide Critical Market Intelligence

September 14, 2016 Craig A. Morris, Deputy Administrator of the AMS Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program

The Livestock Mandatory Price Reporting (LMR) Program was created to expand pricing information available to the livestock industry. The data is collected and distributed by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) through its USDA Market News division to provide market information for cattle...

USDA Results

USDA Fosters Market Transparency in Grass Fed Lamb and Goat Industry

May 13, 2015 Ed Avalos, Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs

According to the 2012 Census of Agriculture, there are over five million head of sheep and lambs in the United States, and over 2.6 million head of goats. A growing trend is producing these animals using grass fed production systems, especially for small to mid-sized producers. In response to the...

USDA Results Food and Nutrition Farming

Expanding Trade Opportunities by Translating Documents into Spanish

March 11, 2015 Craig Morris, Deputy Administrator of the Agricultural Marketing Service Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program

When trading commodities on the market, it is critical that buyers and sellers across the supply chain speak the same trade language. For meat products, large volume buyers – ranging from the federal government to schools, restaurants and hotels – reference the U.S. Institutional Meat Purchase...


Livestock Mandatory Reporting - Bringing Transparency to the Marketplace

January 20, 2015 Craig A. Morris, Deputy Administrator of the AMS Livestock, Poultry and Seed Program

The Livestock Mandatory Price Reporting (LMR) Program was established to expand pricing information available in the livestock industry. Part of USDA Market News data, the information is distributed by the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) and allows analysts to dive in head first and fulfill all...


Expanding Opportunities for Small-Scale Beef Producers

April 29, 2014 Craig Morris, Deputy Administrator of the AMS Livestock, Poultry and Seed Program

Sometimes big things come in small packages. At USDA, we provide programs and services to producers of all sizes – and now we’re offering even more to small-scale and local beef producers. Many small-scale producers are contributing to the growth of the grass-fed beef industry. And, thanks to a new...

Conservation Food and Nutrition

USDA Market News Mow-tivated to Add Grass Fed Reports

October 25, 2013 Craig Morris, Deputy Administrator of the AMS, Livestock, Poultry and Seed Program

U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service released its second USDA Market News report covering grass fed beef yesterday. This is the first report of its kind, filling a significant data gap for the industry and increasing transparency in the marketplace. For almost a...

USDA Results

Industry Associations Use USDA Market News to Create Apps

August 19, 2013 Anne Alonzo, AMS Administrator

For nearly 100 years, USDA Market News has been collecting market information on behalf of those working in American agriculture to provide current, unbiased price and sales information. Covering both domestic and international markets, the data is disseminated within hours of collection to help...

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