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Secretary's Column: Another Step Forward Towards a Healthier Next Generation

February 28, 2014 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

This week at USDA, we took several steps forward in the fight for a healthier future for our nation’s children. On Tuesday, we rolled out new proposed guidelines that will make sure only healthy foods and beverages are allowed to be marketed to kids at school. The new guidelines will ensure that...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition

In Case You Missed It: Study Finds Offering Healthier School Snacks Helps Kids Make Healthier Choices at Home

November 18, 2013 Kevin Concannon, Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

Last week, researchers from Michigan State University, Oakland University, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, and the Michigan Department of Education came out with a new study showing that when schools offer healthier snacks in vending machines and a la carte lines, students’ overall diets improve...

Food and Nutrition

Our Nation's Schools are Trending toward a Healthier School Day

September 09, 2013 Brooke Hardison, Communications Coordinator for Nutrition Programs, USDA Office of Communications

Schools, teachers and school nutrition professionals across the nation are working hard to make the school day healthier. According to a new study by the CDC, schools across the nation are embracing healthier policies, such as increased physical education, reducing kids’ exposure to tobacco, and of...

Food and Nutrition

Secretary's Column: Continuing the Fight Against Childhood Obesity

August 23, 2013 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Ensuring the health and well-being of our nation’s children is a top priority for President Obama, and for all of us at USDA. We have focused in recent years on expanding access, affordability and availability of healthy foods for families and children. Recently, we learned of some promising new...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Turning the Tide on Early Childhood Obesity

August 07, 2013 Dr. Janey Thornton, Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

Here at USDA, we’re on a mission to help all of our nation’s children have the best possible chance at a healthy life. So, we’re very encouraged by some recent news from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): the rate of obesity among low-income pre-school children appears to be...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Reducing Food Waste: It's More Than Just Cleaning Your Plate

July 11, 2013 Robert Fireovid, ARS National Program Leader for Quality and Utilization of Agricultural Products

When you think of steps that can be taken to improve our environment and mitigate climate change, "reducing food waste" probably doesn't come to mind right away. But in fact, food waste is an important factor in climate change, because wasted food represents 20 percent by weight of the solid waste...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Research and Science

Usted, la Bacteria Listeria moncytogenes y la Listeriosis

June 04, 2013 Kathy Bernard and Maribel Alonso, Technical Information Specialists, Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA

Los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en ingles) han publicado un reporte llamando Signos vitales (“Vital Signs”) enfocado en los riesgo de salud relacionados con el patógeno Listeria monocytogenes, causante de enfermedades a través de los alimentos. Algunos...

Spanish Health and Safety

Listeria Monocytogenes, Listeriosis, and You

June 04, 2013 Kathy Bernard and Maribel Alonso, Technical Information Specialists, Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s June issue of Vital Signs focuses on the health risks associated with the foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. Certain foods are more likely to pose of higher risk of contamination with Listeria monocytogenes, as outlined in a recently published...

Health and Safety

Agriculture and Rural Main Streets on the Agenda for Smart Growth

February 21, 2013 Chris Beck, Senior Projects Advisor, USDA Rural Development

Agriculture and food system development were featured agenda topics at the recent New Partners for Smart Growth Conference, an annual conference sponsored by the Local Government Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, the US Department of Transportation, the Centers for Disease Control and...


Bringing Federal Partners to the Local Foods Table

November 20, 2012 Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan

Three years ago this fall, Secretary Vilsack and I launched the Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food initiative (KYF2). Since then, we’ve seen interest and participation in local and regional food systems grow beyond anything we expected: whether I’m meeting with buffalo ranchers from the Great Plains...

Food and Nutrition
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