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Value-Added Ag Products Help Home Cooks and Bakers Experiment in the Kitchen

August 20, 2020 Suzanne Richards, Agricultural Statistician, Statistics Division, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service

In recent months, people around the world have found new ways to spend time at home. Many Americans have picked up hobbies like arts and crafts, working out, and – of course – cooking and baking. You may not know that many popular recipes feature value-added products. A value-added product is one...

Research and Science

Wrapping up Picnic Month

July 28, 2020 Terry Matlock, NASS Public Affairs Specialist

Summer is in full swing and, for many, that means it's time for a picnic. Whether you stay in your backyard or head to your favorite lookout spot, a picnic is always a good idea. If you didn’t feast outdoors in July during National Picnic Month, there’s still time to enjoy a great meal with nice...

Research and Science

At the Heart of The Buckeye State

June 09, 2020 Cheryl Turner, Ohio State Statistician, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service

Ever wonder where Ohio’s nickname came from? Ohio is commonly referred to as “The Buckeye State” due to the prevalence of the Ohio Buckeye, named Ohio’s official state tree in the 1950s. According to USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the name refers to the tree’s nuts and their...

Research and Science

Kansas: A Leader in Wheat, Grain Sorghum, and Beef Production

July 03, 2019 Doug Bounds, Kansas State Statistician, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Kansas farmers know how to grow wheat. In 2017, Kansas ranked No. 1 in wheat production, according to the 2017 Census of Agriculture. Kansas farms produced 319 million bushels of wheat from 7 million harvested acres, accounting for almost 18 percent of all wheat grown in the United States.

Research and Science

Abundant Supplies are Forecast for the Coming Crop Year in the U.S. and Around the World

May 17, 2019 Seth Meyer, Chairman, World Agricultural Outlook Board (WAOB)

It’s a new year at USDA, at least for those of us forecasting agricultural commodity markets. Every May, the World Agricultural Outlook Board (WAOB) in the Office of the Chief Economist releases USDA’s initial projections of the markets for the crops and livestock that will be produced and harvested...

Farming Research and Science

Employing Wheat's Bacterial Partners to Fight a Pathogen

August 07, 2018 Briana K. Whitaker, Indiana University Graduate Student and ARS Intern

Fusarium head blight is a devastating fungal disease affecting wheat and barley crops worldwide. According to the American Phytopathological Society, this disease has cost U.S. wheat and barley farmers more than $3 billion since 1990. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists, together with...

Research and Science

Digging Deep into ARS Assets for Better Cookies and Cakes

April 10, 2018 Dennis O’Brien, Public Affairs Specialist, Agricultural Research Service

With a name like Fhb1, this particular gene is unlikely to ever become a household name. But it has the potential to combat a fungal disease that has been plaguing wheat farmers for years. Wheat scab can cripple a farmer’s yield and cost millions of dollars in crop losses.

Research and Science

Flushed Away...Probing For Antibiotic Presence in Our Food Supply

February 17, 2017 Dennis O'Brien, Public Affairs Specialist, Agricultural Research Service

It’s a question with major public-health implications: Could antibiotics and other widely used medications get into our food supply when they are flushed into our sewers? To try to answer that question, researchers from USDA and Penn State University (PSU) assessed whether some commonly used...

Research and Science

Wheat Blast, Bangladesh, and Biosecurity: NIFA-Funded Research Works for Global Food Security

May 03, 2016 Dr. Martin Draper, National Program Leader for Plant Pathology, National Institute of Food and Agriculture's Division of Plant Systems-Protection

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. An epidemic of wheat blast is underway in Bangladesh, published reports say, and losses may be substantial in the six...

Food and Nutrition Research and Science

High Five: NIFA-Funded Research Improves Agriculture

December 29, 2015 Scott Elliott, NIFA Public Affairs

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) invests in agricultural sciences that turn research into action by...

Research and Science
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