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National Agroforestry Center

Working Trees for Islands Showcases Power of Agroforestry

June 12, 2015 Kate MacFarland, USDA, National Agroforestry Center

Do you grow fruits and vegetables in your backyard or community garden? Do some of them come from trees? Breadfruit, or ‘ulu, is an easy-to-grow, productive, nutritious, and starchy staple crop grown in many Pacific Islands, including Hawaii. It can be roasted, baked, boiled, fried or pounded into...


Forest Farming Ramps

March 16, 2015 Kate MacFarland, National Agroforestry Center, U.S. Forest Service

Ramps, these tasty spring ephemerals with the scientific name Allium tricoccum, are generally called ramps in the south and wild leeks in more northern areas. They are native to the hardwood forests of eastern North America. In many areas, ramps are viewed as a sign of the coming of spring and...


Scientific Climate Info Now Available for Producers in the Northern Plains

October 29, 2014 Justin Derner, Northern Plains Regional Climate Hubs Lead

This fall, ranchers, farmers, and land managers in the Northern Plains from Bartlett, Nebraska to the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming will be making decisions that will affect their operations in the coming year. Land managers often consider markets, weather and changing climatic conditions...


A New Roadmap to Sustainable Agriculture

June 08, 2011 USDA National Agroforestry Center Director Andy Mason

Nicola Macpherson knows the benefits of agroforestry. After all, she has the success of her farm, Timber Farms in the Sink, and her business, Ozark Forest Mushrooms, as proof.

Food and Nutrition Farming
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