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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

USDA Launches a One Stop Shop for its "One Health" Approach to Zoonotic Threats

June 29, 2016 Dr. Steven Kappes, Co-Chair, USDA Agricultural Research Service; Dr. David Goldman, Co-Chair, USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service and Dr. Brian McCluskey, Co-Chair, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - USDA One Health Joint Working Group

At USDA, we use a One Health approach that embraces the idea that problems arising at the intersection of the health of humans, animals, and the environment can be solved only through a coordinated multidisciplinary approach. This approach embraces the idea that a disease problem impacting the...

Conservation Health and Safety Animals Plants

Learn How to Bee a Friend during USDA's Pollinator Festival this Friday, June 24

June 20, 2016 Annie Ceccarini, Program Manager, The People's Garden Initiative

The best time to bee a friend to pollinators is now! Today is the first day of summer and the launch of National Pollinator Week, June 20-26. Around the globe, people are celebrating with events that emphasize the importance of pollinators and teach ways to save them. Here at USDA, we’ve issued the...


U.S. National Arboretum Bald Eaglets Are Named

April 26, 2016 Sharon Durham, Public Affairs Specialist, Agricultural Research Service

Say “hello” to Freedom and Liberty, the newly named bald eaglets at the U.S. National Arboretum! Those names were chosen by you through a poll hosted by the Friends of the National Arboretum (FONA) that was compiled from thousands of suggestions submitted to our partners: the American Eagle...


Honoring my Teachers, Sharing Traditions on the San Carlos Apache Reservation

April 22, 2016 Deputy Under Secretary Arthur "Butch" Blazer, Natural Resources and Environment

With more than 40 years of professional experience working in the field of natural resources, I am sometimes asked to share the personal outdoor experiences I had as a tribal member growing up on my reservation. When the request involves children, and those children are Native American, I am...

Conservation Initiatives Forestry

Teddy Bears are Alive and Well Thanks to Stewardship-Minded Farmers in Louisiana

March 10, 2016 John Pitre, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Fresh into my career as a wildlife biologist with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), two things happened: a new Farm Bill conservation program was born, and the Louisiana black bear was listed under the Endangered Species Act. Both were very connected, even if I didn’t know it at...


USDA Northeast Climate Hub Integrates Farmer Panel into Operational Discussions

January 05, 2016 Erin Lane, Director of University Relations, USDA Northeast Climate Hub

As the autumn leaves in the Northeast were just beginning to blanket the ground in late October, the USDA Northeast Climate Hub held its first annual –university network hosted– Partner Operational Discussions. The group convened in Annapolis, Maryland where working meetings were held at both the...

Rangeland Restoration Benefits Cattle and Prairie Chicken

January 04, 2016 Jon Ungerer, Lesser Prairie-Chicken Initiative Coordinator, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Cattle and lesser prairie-chickens both need healthy rangeland to thrive. Through voluntary conservation efforts, farmers and ranchers in the southern Great Plains can restore habitat for this iconic bird while strengthening working lands. The Lesser Prairie-Chicken Initiative (LPCI), a partnership...


Habitat Restoration Benefits Both Wildlife and Working Lands

December 10, 2015 Jason Weller, Chief, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Seventy percent of the land in the lower 48 states is privately owned, home to productive working farms, ranches and forests that account for much of our nation’s open space and wildlife habitat. For 80 years USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service has worked side-by-side with America’s...


Gopher Tortoise Habitats Thrive along Alabama's Gulf Coast

October 19, 2015 Amelia Hines Dortch, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Alabama

Longleaf pine forests once dominated the Southeast. But over the past two centuries, many of these forests have disappeared along with the wildlife that called them home. Recent efforts to enhance longleaf forests on private lands are helping the ecosystem rebound as well as wildlife like the gopher...


Community Unites to Help At-Risk New England Cottontail

September 29, 2015 Jocelyn Benjamin, Natural Resources Conservation Service

A New Hampshire community came together to help restore habitat for the New England cottontail, a native rabbit of the region. For this rabbit, habitat restoration is pretty simple, planting the shrubs that are the cornerstones of its ideal habitat. Nearly 40 volunteers gathered in April to plant...

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