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Secretary's Column: Innovation for a Stronger Rural America

February 07, 2014 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Innovation is at the heart of the American agriculture success story. As a matter of course, today’s farmers and ranchers must constantly prepare and adapt to get ahead of tomorrow’s challenges. At USDA, we have a long history of fostering research and innovation that help agricultural production...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Research and Science Technology

Northern Plains Climate Hub Aims to Help Producers "No Matter What the Weather May Bring"

February 07, 2014 Justin Derner, USDA Agricultural Research Service

Weather dominates the conversation at local coffee shops and community gathering locations across the Northern Plains. Depending on the time of the year, I’ve heard things like this: “We sure could use rain - really dry out there. Cattle are going to have to come off the pastures soon.” Or… “Hoping...


Addressing California’s Water Challenges Through Action and Collaboration

February 06, 2014 By Michael L. Connor, Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation
William W. Stelle, Jr., Regional Administrator, NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region
Ann Mills, Deputy Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment, USDA

Cross posted from DOI News: California is in the throes of the worst drought in the 160 years during which records have been kept. As a result, the state’s overextended water system is in crisis. All segments of California’s economy— one of the largest in the world—are experiencing the effects of...


Year's First National Water Forecast Predicts Limited Supply West of the Continental Divide

January 27, 2014 Spencer Miller, Natural Resources Conservation Service

A limited water supply is predicted west of the Continental Divide, according to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) National Water and Climate Center (NWCC) data in its first forecast in 2014. The NWCC also predicts normal water supply east of the Continental Divide and will continue...


Joint Statement from Secretaries Vilsack, Jewell, and Pritzker on the Drought Declaration in California

January 17, 2014 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker

Governor Brown’s declaration today underscores the gravity of the historic drought conditions facing California – conditions that are likely to have significant impacts on the state’s communities, economy and environment in the coming months. We are keenly aware of the need to act quickly and...


Secretary's Column: Supporting Innovation for Stronger Rural Communities

December 13, 2013 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

American innovation is one of our most special traditions, fueling our nation to new heights over the course of our history. Innovation is critically important in rural America, where research is helping to grow American agriculture, create new homegrown products, generate advanced renewable energy...

USDA Results Energy Conservation

Beginning Rancher Welcomes Assistance from the Natural Resources Conservation Service

November 27, 2013 Beverly Moseley, NRCS

Despite the ongoing drought in part of Texas, there are always people who want to get into the cattle raising business. A growing segment of these new beef producers are non-traditional small-tract landowners, such as Jorge Espinoza of Laredo. Espinoza just purchased his first 50 acres, and he...


Drought Stricken Areas to Benefit from USDA, NOAA-Led Initiative

November 15, 2013 Beverly Moseley, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Texas

While addressing the effects of the 2012 drought, USDA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other federal partners are preparing proactively for the next one. As part of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, the Obama Administration today announced an interagency National...


Secretary's Column: As Conferees Convene, Priorities for a Farm Bill

November 01, 2013 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

While rural Americans have already waited too long for passage of a new Food, Farm and Jobs bill, this week brought a promising new development. Conferees from the Senate and House met to begin work on the creation of a bipartisan, long-term Farm Bill. Their work could not be more timely – and they...

Conservation Energy Food and Nutrition Trade

One Seed at a Time: Plant Materials Center in Los Lunas, New Mexico Helps Restore the Grand Canyon's South Rim

October 21, 2013 Mark A. Smith, Natural Resources Conservation Service, New Mexico

For more than 20 years, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has been growing seeds for the Grand Canyon National Park and other national parks. When the National Park Service renovated the Grand Canyon’s South Rim visitor center in 2008, they looked to the NRCS Plants Materials...

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