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Citrus Trees: Move It AND Lose It

August 25, 2014 Abby Yigzaw, Public Affairs Specialist, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

Soon, citrus producing states across America, including Arizona, California, Florida, Louisiana and Texas, will be full of fresh citrus. But gone are the days of sharing the fruit trees or seeds with friends and family out of state or even in the next county. It’s no longer as simple as packing it...

Animals Plants

USDA Scientist Eager to Lead New Initiative to Combat a Devastating Citrus Disease

February 11, 2014 Mary E. Palm, Ph.D., APHIS

When I learned I was chosen to lead USDA’s new emergency, multi-agency response framework to combat one of the most serious citrus diseases in the world, I felt both humbled and honored. I relish the opportunity as a scientist to partner with other federal agencies, states, and industry to combat a...

Animals Plants Research and Science

Celebrate the Chinese New Year While Being Citrus Smart

January 24, 2014 Workabeba (Abby) Yigzaw, Public Affairs Specialist, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

Out with the snake, in with horse! January 31 marks the start of the Chinese New Year. Many people will be enjoying the rich cultural traditions of this holiday such as food, parades and exchanging gifts. One traditional Chinese New Year gift is citrus fruit, such as mandarin oranges and tangerines...

Animals Plants

Residential Citrus Growers: Help Us Stop the Spread of Citrus Disease

October 23, 2013 Lawrence Hawkins, Public Affairs Specialist, Legislative and Public Affairs, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

If you are like millions of other Americans, there’s a chance you have a citrus tree or two growing in your yard. As a residential citrus grower, it is very important to check your trees regularly for signs of disease. A diseased tree in your yard may seem like no big deal; however, it can easily...

Animals Plants

Travel Citrus Safe this Summer

August 20, 2013 Lawrence Hawkins, Legislative and Public Affairs, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

With summer winding down and school starting soon, there’s just enough time for one last trip! No matter where your travels take you, be sure to bring back lots of photographs, souvenirs and memories—but one thing you don’t want to bring home with you is citrus. Moving citrus may seem completely...

Animals Plants

The Citrus Wizard of Florida

May 16, 2012 David R. Shipman, AMS Administrator

No one should live in this world for himself alone, but to do good for those who come after him.

Research and Science

USDA Assesses Freeze Damage of Florida Oranges

February 01, 2011 Jeff Geuder, Florida Field Office Director, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. This year’s weather has presented some challenges for Florida’s citrus growers. In December, sub-freezing temperatures hit...

Research and Science
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