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Deal Gives Back

June 11, 2015 Meryl Harrell, Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary

Here at USDA, we believe in the power of community to make a difference. So when Alice Deal Middle School in Washington, DC, reached out to the USDA Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships to come visit for their annual day of service, we were eager to welcome over 100 seventh graders...

Conservation Initiatives

Buzzing into Action to Support Pollinator Health through Research

May 27, 2015 Dr. Ann M. Bartuska, Deputy Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics

As an ecosystem ecologist working for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, pollinators are near and dear to me. Not only are they vital to agricultural production, providing billions of dollars in pollination services for the fruits, nuts and vegetables that contribute to a healthy diet, they are...

Conservation Animals Plants

Announcing New Steps to Promote Pollinator Health

May 19, 2015 Dr. John P. Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science & Technology and Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Cross-posted from the White House blog: Pollinators are critical to the Nation's economy, food security, and environmental health. Honey bee pollination alone adds more than $15 billion in value to agricultural crops each year, and helps ensure that our diets include ample fruits, nuts, and...

Animals Plants

#GimmeFive Ways to Boost Your Garden and Keep Pollinators Buzzing

April 06, 2015 Annie Ceccarini, The People’s Garden Initiative and USDA Farmers Market

The USDA’s People’s Garden team is joining the fun at the White House Easter Egg Roll today to introduce the crowds to some very important garden workers – pollinators. Bees, butterflies, bats, birds, and beetles are all crucial to sustaining plant growth, and in fact nearly two-thirds of the foods...


Directions to a Prosperous Rural America

December 16, 2014 Dr. Richard Derksen, Program Coordinator, Office of the Chief Scientist

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. If you’re like me, the holidays are a time to pack our bags and set off to visit family members and loved ones. When my...

Research and Science

Pollinators-An Indicator of a Healthy Mother Earth

November 05, 2014 Deputy Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment Butch Blazer

Often I am asked to participate in events in my role as a Deputy Undersecretary. Other times I participate based on my heritage, as a member of the Mescalero Apache Tribe. Sometimes, the lines blur, as they did recently when I addressed those attending the North American Pollinator Protection...


Working the Night Shift - Bats Play an Important Role in Pollinating Crops

October 29, 2014 Pattie Thomas, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Most people associate pollination with bees and birds but often forget the work of their furry colleagues: bats. Bats take the night shift, playing a major role in pollinating crops and spreading seeds. One important bat is the Mexican long-nose bat, which dwells in large colonies. Their range...

Conservation Forestry

Evening Primrose by any Other Name is a Moth Plant

August 19, 2014 Charity Parks, Intermountain Region, U.S. Forest Service

Plants provide us with many things that we use on a daily basis – from the buildings in which we live and work, to our clothing and food. For flowering plants to thrive and reproduce, they often rely on pollinators to transport pollen between flowers. Pollination ultimately results in fruits and...


Year One: Building Up the Future of Agriculture

August 13, 2014 Agriculture Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden

One year ago this week, I was honored to be sworn in as Deputy Secretary of USDA. Along with Secretary Vilsack, I have had the privilege to lead a remarkable team here at USDA as we have worked to implement the 2014 Farm Bill, create a one-stop-shop for new farmers and ranchers seeking access to...

Conservation Initiatives

Moths Aflutter in Honor of National Moth Week

July 22, 2014 Leah Anderson, Eastern Region, U.S. Forest Service

Imagine wandering through your favorite botanic garden in the early evening and catching a glimpse of the moon reflected off of something lime green that moves from flower to flower while closer to the ground the yellow glow of fireflies help illuminate the night. It’s enough to make you feel like...

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