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Ann Bartuska

USDA Works With Remote Utah Tribe to Prevent Future Flooding

November 03, 2014 Ron Francis, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Utah

A massive wildfire followed by heavy rains greatly damaged the landscape of a Utah valley, home to the Skull Valley Band of the Goshute Indian Tribe. The natural disasters broke water delivery systems and disrupted vital community infrastructure. Recently, the band’s leadership met with USDA...


Participants in Open Data Roundtables Guide USDA on Ways to Provide High Quality Data to Users

August 07, 2014 Joyce M. Hunter, Deputy Chief Information Officer, Policy and Planning

“Find out who your audience and users are, then figure out the best, easiest way to provide data to them.” Last week, the Obama Administration focused on a specific climate risk – the risk to the food supply – and the ways data could be used to help increase “food resilience.” The goal is to make...

Conservation Technology

Students Demonstrate Innovation at White House Science Fair

April 26, 2013 Dr. Ann Bartuska, Deputy Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics

As a kid, I didn’t quite grasp the science behind a game of hopscotch or ball and jacks. It was later in life that I learned the scientific principles behind my childhood fun. Today, in an era of high-definition video games and 3-dimensional TV’s, it’s more challenging than ever to keep kids...

Research and Science

Symposium on Sustainability Solutions

May 29, 2012 Jenna Jadin, AAAS Fellow/Advisor

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. Sustainability is an important issue in government, with city planners, state agencies, and the federal government all...

Research and Science

Making Science Real through STEM Education

February 21, 2012 Dr. Ann Bartuska, Deputy Under Secretary, Research, Education, and Economics

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA's rich science and research portfolio. Developing a rapid, inexpensive biosensor to detect salmonella on vegetables; expanding understanding of the...

Initiatives Research and Science

USDA Co-Sponsors Forum on Accelerating Progress Toward Sustainability

October 08, 2010 Jill Auburn, USDA Research, Education, and Economics

USDA science agencies recently joined the National Research Council, Farm Foundation, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, and Organic Farming Research Foundation in a symposium to discuss implementing the recommendations of the National Research Council report, “ Toward Sustainable...

Research and Science
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