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Independence Day Festival Helps U.S. Food Products Sparkle in India

August 14, 2012 Shubhi Misra, Foreign Agricultural Service, New Delhi

While many Americans enjoyed time with family and friends grilling and preparing their favorite foods this past Independence Day, Indian consumers were learning about some of those same U.S. foods during a month-long promotional campaign.


U.S. Agribusinesses Encouraged to ‘Explore Exporting’

July 13, 2012 Erin Tindell, Foreign Agricultural Service Public Affairs Specialist

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) is funding its partners, the four State Regional Trade Groups (STRGs), to host a series of nationwide seminars that inspire small and medium U.S. food and agricultural companies to become exporters.


FAS Names Western U.S. Companies Mexico Exporters of the Year

July 02, 2012 Erin Tindell, Foreign Agricultural Service Public Affairs Specialist

Exporting U.S. agricultural commodities to foreign markets is not always a seamless process, and sometimes uncertainty is the rule. However, two companies recently received honors for their ability to overcome international trade barriers with USDA assistance and successfully export their products...


Vermont Small Businesses Make Inroads in Canadian Market

June 04, 2012 Maria Arbulu, Senior Marketing Specialist, Foreign Agricultural Service, Ottawa, Canada

Helping small- and medium-sized businesses export their products is a cornerstone of the President’s National Export Initiative (NEI), which aims to double U.S. exports by the end of 2014. The partnership between the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), non-profit U.S. agricultural trade...


USDA Uses Its ‘Noodle’ to Expand Wheat Exports

May 25, 2012 Liliana Caetano Bachelder, International Trade Specialist, Foreign Agricultural Service

On my first visit to Cameroon, I had been asked to speak at the formal opening of the Imperial Foods noodle plant—a public-private partnership that helps to illustrate how USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) serves American agriculture in markets around the world.


Focusing on the Future of Food Assistance

May 11, 2012 Michael Scuse, Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services

USDA’s food assistance and development programs serve a dual purpose: to meet the immediate needs of hungry people, and to show their countries how to rejuvenate their agricultural sectors and increase their capacity to trade. We accomplish these goals in cooperation with other U.S. government...

Food and Nutrition Trade

School Enrollment in Cambodian Province Increases 70 Percent with USDA Support

May 02, 2012 Linda Habenstreit, Public Affairs Specialist, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) partners with a variety of non-profit groups, cooperatives and international organizations to promote food security in developing countries around the world. The following guest blog highlights the successful partnership between FAS and International Relief...

Food and Nutrition Trade

25,000 Senegalese Schoolchildren to Benefit from USDA-Supported Project

May 01, 2012 Linda Habenstreit, Public Affairs Specialist, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) partners with a variety of non-profit groups, cooperatives and international organizations to promote food security in developing countries around the world. The following guest blog highlights the successful partnership between FAS and Counterpart...

Food and Nutrition Trade

Prague’s People’s Garden Expands Beyond U.S. Embassy Grounds

April 26, 2012 Jana Mikulasova, Agricultural Specialist, Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Embassy Prague

The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) office in Prague, Czech Republic, joined the People’s Garden initiative in the summer of 2009, when employees started planning their project, researching potential garden sites, and identifying input suppliers and partners. Their effort bore fruit in summer...


Forecasting Supply and Demand for World Agricultural Markets

April 23, 2012 Brenda Chapin, Office of the Chief Economist

USDA’s Chief Economist Joseph Glauber and his staff advise the Secretary on economic issues but are also charged with producing official USDA supply and demand projections and forecasts. The Office of the Chief Economist’s (OCE’s) monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report...

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