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Climate Change

ARS Labs Unravel Genetics of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

February 07, 2012 Jude Maul, USDA-ARS Research Ecologist

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. Understanding the causes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural landscapes is truly a multi-scale challenge...

Research and Science

At COP-17 in Durban, Agriculture is Playing a Starring Role

December 02, 2011 Jenna Jadin, AAAS Fellow and Climate Change Advisor in the Office of the Chief Scientist

U.S. Forest Service Climate Change Advisor Talks Forest Health

October 24, 2011 Robert H. Westover, U.S. Forest Service Office of Communication

Knowing your forests and how climate change is affecting their health was the overarching theme on a recent Emerald Planet Inside Scoop program. David Cleaves, the U.S. Forest Service Climate Change Advisor, was the sole guest on the hour long live broadcast that was simulcast on CSPAN and the...


Managing Risk: Key to Climate Change Adaptation for Resource Managers (part 2)

October 05, 2011 Dr. David Cleaves, Climate Advisor to the Chief, U.S. Forest Service

Risk management doesn’t mean trying to address all risks in all ways, “riding off in all directions,” spending money, time, energy, and social capital trying to drive every risk we identify to zero. There is no shortage of risks to manage. But neither does it mean just “hunkering down,” waiting to...


Managing Risk: Key to Climate Change Adaptation for Resource Managers (Part One)

October 04, 2011 Dr. David Cleaves, Climate Advisor to the Chief, U.S. Forest Service

We face multiple risks every day as resource managers. We are pretty good at intuitively understanding the likelihoods of different hazards, the uncertainties around them, and their potential impacts on the resources we value, and we use this understanding in our resource management decisions. But...


Answering the Call: Making Science More Accessible for Forest Planners in the East

July 26, 2011 Emrys Treasure, Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. In forests, climate change ramps up stress already occurring from extreme weather events, disease and insect outbreaks...

Forestry Research and Science

American Chestnut Trees Return to the Hoosier National Forest

May 13, 2011 Teena Ligman, Hoosier National Forest

Once a prominent phenomenon in southern Indiana, Bedford just experienced the first re-planting of American chestnut trees on the Hoosier National Forest in partnership with Purdue University and the U.S. Forest Service’s Northern Research Station.

Study Shows Mangroves are a Major Player in Climate Change

May 03, 2011 Robert Hudson Westover, Public Affairs Specialist, USDA Forest Service

Mangroves have declined by nearly half in the last 50 years. This is disconcerting to scientists because the hardy brackish tidal tree in an important bulkhead against climate change, according to findings is a recent study published in the journal Nature Geoscience.

Forestry Research and Science

Climate Change, “Up Close and Personal”

February 24, 2011 Sandy Miller Hays, Public Affairs Specialist, USDA Agricultural Research Service Information Staff.

Remember the good old days when you only got the “spring sniffles” for a few weeks as the new leaves began sprouting on the trees? And doesn’t it seem like now, for some reason, you’re taking your antihistamine almost as often as you take your multi-vitamin? That’s not your imagination; that’s...

Research and Science

Mc Kinney’s Minshew Elementary School Achieves Gold in USDA’s HealthierUS School Challenge

January 04, 2011 Audrey Rowe Deputy Administrator for Special Nutrition Programs

On December 16, I had the privilege of visiting McKinney, Texas to recognize Minshew Elementary School for achieving gold in the USDA’s HealthierUS School Challenge. I presented the award to the school at an assembly with the students, the Mayor and the district superintendent. I also had the...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives
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