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Records Management Regulations, Policy, and Guidance

Records Management Regulations, Policy, and Guidance

The Records Management Policy and Outreach Program, under the Office of the Chief Records Officer for the U.S. Government, is responsible for developing Federal records management policies and guidance related to records creation, management, and disposition with an emphasis on electronic records. The Policy and Outreach Program champions the critical importance of Federal records management across the Federal Government. 

Contact with any questions about this page and NARA's Federal records management guidance. 

Laws and Regulations

Records Management Laws and Authorities

Records Management Regulations

Policy and Guidance

NARA Bulletins

Memos to Agency Records Officers

Records Management FAQs

Records Management Transfer Guidance​​

White Papers and Reports

Past NARA Initiatives and Guidance

OMB Guidance

Transition to Electronic Records (M-19-21)

President's Reform Plan and Reorganization Recommendations

Circular No. A-130: Managing Information as a Strategic Resource

Circular No. A-11: Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget

Electronic Records Modernization

Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (FERMI)

Success Criteria for Managing Permanent Electronic Records

Success Criteria for Managing Email Records

Universal Electronic Records Management (ERM) Requirements

Records Management Resources

Incoming/Outgoing Government Employees/Officials

Email Management

Essential Records and Disaster Recovery

Records Management Language for Contracts

Communities of Interest

Federal Records Management Council (FRMC)

Microsoft 365 User Group (formerly Electronic Records Management Automation Working Group) (Login to required)

Senior Agency Officials for Records Management (SAORM)

Federal Records Officer Network (FRON) (Login to required)


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